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Thread: First day back on the server and what a round

  1. Registered TeamPlayer
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    First day back on the server and what a round

    So last night was my first night playing in about 3 months. It was a great round on Kashan. About 8pm EST. the server started filling up I had joined a squad with one other person. He bolted without word so I was now squad leader. Soon a couple more grunts joined my squad and we were off. We took 2 anti-air down to capture south village and one transports chopper.

    Now the server was really starting to fill up. By the time we captured south villiage both bunkers had fallen into U.S. hands so I told my squad to roll out to south bunker and start getting some flags before it was to late. We arrive at south bunker with little resistance. So we inside and start to capture suddenly south village goes gray. Luckly we had started to capture bunker before they could complete the capture on south village.

    Now it is on, enemy forces start heading our way coming from north we start laying down fire and slaughtering them. Next thing I know I look and we have a commander, excellent I think to myself. He comes into the south of the bunker complex and wants to get a firebase setup. Right about that time a little bird comes in and starts to make swiss cheese of my crew. Commander rallies troops to south village I send two of my guys in tank to help at south village. I take who I have left and head for north bunker in hopes that when we recap south village we can take both bunkers quickly before they know what hit them.

    Finally we retake south but before we get anywhere I had a few of my grunts head to mec outpost sure enough enemy spotted. APC was at mec outpost destroying our assets and we had no means at he time to defend. MEC outpost falls into enemy hands I rally my troops we start hoofing it, just outside the north gate commander picks us up in a supply truck. We start barreling towards mec outpost when suddenly off to the north enemy tank spotted. The radio comes alive with screams of soldiers frightened by the tank and possibilty he will see us. We crest the hill and drive into the dried up river bed how the tank didn't see us I'll never know.

    I jump out and set a rally. Just then the tank comes across the bridge we hit the deck and hold for a moment. We start tossing smoke at the tank and give him a little scare he backs off and sits on the east side of the river next to the bridge. Fortunately someone took out the tank in the next few moments. Then I hear enemy troops top of the hill right of the tank. A whole squad was up on the ridge I yell open fire. Bullets start flying tracers and sonic cracks are all around me. I pick off a couple targets and start to move up the hill. I hear one squad mate yell rally up here before he died. I get to the top of the hill and and see on soldier I start to fire. Got him next one spawns then another I take a hit right in the chest I drop pull out my grenade and toss it BOOM then all was quiet.

    I stitch myself up and we head back to north bunker. We get there just in time for south village to be taken back into enemy hands. Commander has us sit tight at north bunker while he is hanging around mec outpost. At some point and enemy APC get to the north of mec outpost two of my squad head up there and try to take him out with some c4 and mines but with little luck. Next thing I know I see two of our jets doing strafing runs on mec outpost I cant hear the faint sounds of their cannons and bombs destroying the apc. Mec outpost secure and we get south village back. My squad is on north bunker and another squad is on south. We take both bunkers at the same time while the rest of the team is moving for US north village. We get a lift to US outpost and take that with no resistance and roll on to US main.

    We are almost to US main when we read over chat that US just dropped a JDAM on their main base. We gray out their main base and a few moments later the round comes to a close.

    Squad members I can't remember everyones name very well but thanks so much for a great round.


    sorry if I got your names wrong
    and the commander was Evillite or something to that effect.
    Also thanks to the rest of the MEC team awsome comeback.

    Sorry for the long post and bad punctuation, sentence structure, and whatever else.


  2. Registered TeamPlayer
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    Re: First day back on the server and what a round

    Yeah that was a great comeback. However it's AmmoGuy and Evil Remix was our commander.

  3. Registered TeamPlayer
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    Re: First day back on the server and what a round

    Thanks for correcting me on the names couldn't quite remember. Also if I forgot something in there that happened sorry alot went on that round.


  4. Registered TeamPlayer
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    Re: First day back on the server and what a round

    If your wandering about your tanks it wasnt my fault they dissapeared.

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