Quote Originally Posted by Xavsnipe
Hehehe....yea Reispiss....shut it..

Anyways, I fly with the keyboard only...no mouse...so if you wanna learn that way I'll see you on the server.... I don't remember you having much trouble flying though Hairy....you're good.
These days I suck. Actually, I want to learn M&K again. I used to do it in DC, in the begining and then I picked up a J-stick. In Bf2, I've always had a J-Stick for planes. Never flew with M&K. K would also be interesting.

As you saw tonight Xav, I sucked at almost everything I did. I'm definitly not the hardcore player I used to be. Weird actually.

Anyway - I'd like to learn to fly with different inputs......Just like how I like women....with different inputs! lol