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Thread: TeamWork clan removed from TTP

  1. Registered TeamPlayer
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    RE: Re: RE: Re: RE: Please remove TeamWork from the resident

    As long as I got a good teamleader I don't care wo he is. NyQuil is good, you can't say otherwise. He's a concurrent to you Bigdog and that's why I don't think you like him.
    And how can you say that everyone is allowed when Strat was pretty much banned for his involvment with Px. And don't give me the crap about them being banned. How can you have fun when you're not allowed to play with the people you like. I'm sticking with TW, we have alot of fun, good leaders, and a bouch of awesome players. It's bad that I'm from now on can't play on TTP. I'm gonna miss some of you guys, Andrew, know who you are.
    Vlade, from your prospective you doing the right thing and I wont think bad of you man. It was fun Play'n with you, and you belong to the bouch of guys I'm gonna miss.
    And Bigdog...That might not be the right way to handle people coming back to TTP from a thing like this.

    You who knows that you deserv it...Keep up the good work.

  2. Unconfirmed User
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    RE: Re: RE: Re: RE: Please remove TeamWork from the resident

    Tell me something Bigdog, did anyone ever try to talk you out of achieving a dream? Yes, I agree with you that it should be Team first Clan second, but at what expense? Can't people have their own opinions? NyQuil has a vision, has a dream and he is going to try to achieve it. If he succeeds he succeeds, if he fails he fails but his friends will stand by to help him along the way. You probably didn't succeed the first time around but that didn't keep you following what you knew would pan out sometime in the future. I won't be put in an insult match with you because I am bigger than that. Me being a lazy ass, I have a family and friends that would tell you otherwise. I work hard at what I do. Anything that happens away from TTP does matter, because without those, then you don't have TTP. You can't tell me that the education you worked hard at doesn't matter.

    SJT if I do remove my tag then that means that everything I said was not true. I know if I were to ask you to come and wear out tag you would say no, as you should. I do think you and Bigdog have built something good and the Teamwork clan does play the way TTP likes and enjoys, teamplay. It will now be on a different server.

  3. Registered TeamPlayer AndrewTheYahoo's Avatar
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    RE: Re: RE: Re: RE: Please remove TeamWork from the resident

    And so begins the divide. Vlade is staying. Hamp and mjs are going. I'm not sure about some of the others.

    Where does everyone else stand? Make your intentions clear.
    -- Yahoo

  4. Registered TeamPlayer
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    TeamWork clan removed from TTP

    I've been gone for awhile and man, this happens....

    I play on TTP because it's fun, people play as a team, and I've known and played with most of the people out here. I just don't need the drama and all that stuff. I just come here to play, unwind, and have a blast.

    I don't know what exactly happened, but I don't want to get involved with it. Life outside of TTP is complicated as it is. This is the last time that I will join a clan, as I don't need the complication and the headaches. However, I will continue to be a team player.

    As To the TmWrk guys who decide to leave, I salute you. I enjoyed my time playing with you guys, and please don't think less of me as I decide to stay here at TTP.

  5. Registered TeamPlayer AndrewTheYahoo's Avatar
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    TeamWork clan removed from TTP

    Philip, we're glad to have you. Ironically, I saw your name yesterday and wondered where you were and what had happened to you. Welcome back. See you on the gaming field, soldier, with rifle in hand.
    -- Yahoo

  6. Administrator ...bigdog...'s Avatar
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    TeamWork clan removed from TTP TeamWork clan removed from TTP TeamWork clan removed from TTP
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    TeamWork clan removed from TTP

    mjs can stand up here, waving his flag, and sounding like he's being oppressed...

    and hell, dumb people can fall for that kind of line....

    but the reality is.....and we can all go back and look at it (because that's what non-lazy asses do), the REALITY IS, you are leaving because your clan leader, in post, after phone call, after squad communication, after _______, has made it perfectly clear he, as a person, as an admin, and as a clan founder/leader, is not compatible with TTP policies, ideals, and principles.

    It is because of Nyquil's LACK of leadership that strat fell into his situation.

    It was becuase of Nyquil's LACK of reading comprehension that he allowed TmWRK to establish itself as THE BF2 CLAN of TTP. An utterly ridiculous, and prohibited action. Both by clans, and by admins IN clans.

    It was because of nyquil's lack of attention, lack of participation, and blatant lack of mutual respect that he, and his clan are booted.

    You can love nyquil all you want. And hell, you can even say he's "concurrent with bigdog"....whatever the hell that means.

    And once again, all I have to do is sit here, and shut up. Concurrent with bigdog? Is bigdog homeless? Does bigdog misread rules and policies? Does bigdog willfully undermine the authority of those above/around him? I don't even have to answer those kinds of things. That kind of shit answers itself.

    And it is your utter, complete, and absolute BIAS in this matter that keeps you from seeing what you're doing, and realizing how your position is COMPLETELY indefensible.

    You have a clan mate that violates the admin rules by protraying himself as an authority above his rank, and embarasses the admins by speaking like a child using his admin chat.

    You then have clanmates that stand up for this behavior, and defend it by calling it a witch hunt.....or some sort of ego boost. Like it benefits me to air TTP laundry, and illustrate what sort of shit ass admins we had, have, and will have employed.

    You then have clan leaders that, instead of taking responsibility, or washing his hands of the clan mate, decide to take some sort of made up high road. Some "I'm above all this drama" cliche ass line, in order to save face, and duck out, back to homelessness.

    A clan leader. An admin. A failure.

    And, since this clan leader, who many of us have spoken to, and of which NONE of the BF2 admins will stand up to defend (and they can go right ahead here, if they so wish) decides that his clan is too "above the drama" for TTP, resigns his reserve slot, his admin position, and his clan forums. seem to be not so much of an idiot.

    Were Nyquil's intentions, posts, and communcations with TTP peaceful, or even in the slightest bit polite? Were they upfront with the true intentions of tmwrk? Were they truthful? Were they accurate? Were they discussed with TTP?

    No. They were thrown at us.

    We've had plenty of clans come and go. In fact, 2 of our former resident clans STILL HAVE ADMINS IN THE ROSTER. There are good ways, and bad ways, of ending your relationship with us.

    Nyqil seems to think that he's teh only adult in teh room, and that he's just too damn mature to endure TTP.

    And now, you do too, mjs. ANd so does your bud pharacon. And Fucks like vulcan brow, who have the same attitude problem.

    Too Too "above the drama" eh?

    Gotta stick with your 2 month old clan mates? Bro's before ho's?

    That's your choice. We offer to wipe your slate, and let you continue on at TTP. People like you have admin written all over them, since they care, they post, and they play.

    But.....the great thing about outing tmwrk for what they are (clan whores) is that we find people like you, nyquil, and your other cronies, coming in here to abuse TTP. Typical, misunderstanding, misguided, lazy ass clan boys, who think that's all gaming is, and ever will be.

    And instead of saying "That's right, TTP. My clan is bunk, and me and my reall friends are going to stick around and get back to just playing the game, hell....maybe we'll make a new clan".....instead of saying that, you say "my clan will live forever, we are strong, TTP is a bunch of sissies".

    And again.......I don't even need to waste a single ounce of my time answering such arguments.

    Look around. This is TTP. What is tmwrk?

    Drop your tag, play with the team, and come back. Wear your tag, front your clan, and get banned.

    Tmwrk, just as any rogue clan, gets no special treatment. And as we have done, we will do again. We've burned......many many clans. you are hardly the first, and you certainly won't be the last. Just as individual players have to pass the test, so do clans.

    Get you, and your punk ass clan, off our property.

    Quote Originally Posted by ...bigdog... View Post
    If turd fergusons want to troll their lives away, that's the world's problem. Go read the comments section, or any comments section, anywhere. All of the big threads are going to be the crazy people saying stupid shit.

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    Re: RE: Re: RE: Re: RE: Please remove TeamWork from the resi

    Quote Originally Posted by hamp
    NyQuil is good, you can't say otherwise. He's a concurrent to you Bigdog and that's why I don't think you like him.
    Yet another indication as to why tmwrk no longer can play here.

    If you are delusioned enough to believe that your clan leaders skizzles are what got your clan removed.........just get out of here. Just leave. No more talking from people like you.

    And even case anyone would actually like to check the scoreboard: = bigdog = nyquil

    I honestly have nothing to say to your accusation, other than my accuracy, my score/minute, my KD, my win/loss ratio....just about every stats/skill you can be thinking 2X, if not more than nyquils. If you have some other point in determining skills.....such as "teamplay" and "leadership" abilities......I'd love to slap my credentials down on the table, whenever you're ready.

    You've got a clan. We've got an army. Ready when you are.

    Rank, schmank.
    Quote Originally Posted by ...bigdog... View Post
    If turd fergusons want to troll their lives away, that's the world's problem. Go read the comments section, or any comments section, anywhere. All of the big threads are going to be the crazy people saying stupid shit.

  8. Devious Tyrant
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  9. Devious Tyrant
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