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Thread: PR Player Base Too Small

  1. Registered TeamPlayer
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    PR Player Base Too Small
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    Steam ID: spazzychippy

    Re: PR Player Base Too Small

    Quote Originally Posted by 11Bravo
    Quote Originally Posted by TehSpaz
    Quote Originally Posted by bust331
    I guess PR wasn't made for some people.

    Chances are likely you were playing Muttrah? Always happens.

    Maps like Kozelsk are much funner when it comes to firefights since you are in a wooded area, instead of a bleak urban area.
    I think it was was russians versus some sorta rebels..Chechan?

    I'm gonna try it again in a few days....maybe some familiarity w/the weapons after a few shots will change my mind...but for now, I'm logging into vanilla BF2 :-P
    Oh shit, Koselsk. Were you the offensive team on that map? If so, we had a nice line of attack going on that map. It seemed like your team was not well co-ordinated towards the end, like the wheels fell off. I had started a squad that was working extremely well together, had to leave, came back and joined the same squad again. They said it was one hell of a round that went back and forth. There towards the end of the map we had them bottled up and were laying 'em down trying to push towards the Tunnel Complex. That was a brutal map.

    Tell you what Spaz, if you can manage to get squaded up with me, I'll see if we can change your mind about the game through some nice battle experiences. Sometimes the chemistry make up of certain teams & members, doe not always make for good rounds. I even shake my head and get angry on rounds like that my friend.
    I was russian, lol.

    And I totally don't understand how medic works >_< I came in as one cause my squad asked me to....and I was like "okay, wtf...someone kill me and take my kit!"

  2. Registered TeamPlayer SgtRazor's Avatar
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    Re: PR Player Base Too Small

    Quote Originally Posted by h7g6f5
    Quote Originally Posted by dex71
    Quote Originally Posted by h7g6f5
    Lol I don't need a manual to play. I just adapt to the game trust me. Anytime I play a game I just play it,I don't ask question I just do it. :10

    Quote Originally Posted by -Sauso-
    don't forget to read the guide....

    it will show you the basics then you get the hands on in game...

    so none of us want to hear (how do i get a kit) coming out of your mouth ! .lol
    I would never ask that. lol
    ^ Here is a guy who hasn't played yet.
    Dex, dex, dex. You just wait!!!. Wait when I snipe you over 600m lol.
    Dex some people are born to play baseball, football, soccer, etc.. (i can all of those things)But then there are people who are born to play video games. lol (for some it comes naturally)

    I can pretty much gaurantee you that you probably wont even get the sniper kit your tonight. And on the off chance you do, you will die 5 minutes later without any kills. there is a specific process you have to follow to get good clean shots. Ive been playing PR for over a year now and I have finally almost mastered sniping. 15-0 my last few nights. And it isnt about just getting kills. Its about recon, relaying enemy positions to a chopper/commander/squads and picking priority targets like medics and SLs. And being able to recognize friend from foe at 500+ distances is still tricky.

  3. Registered TeamPlayer Potemkine's Avatar
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    Steam ID: potemkine186 Potemkine's Originid: adundon186

    Re: PR Player Base Too Small

    Quote Originally Posted by 11Bravo
    COMMANDER, I myself, and many more here at TTP helped to build it up. We went from nothing to where we are today. I myself didn't berate or belittle other players, I find that it goes against the purpose of educating other players and retaining them on the TTP servers. The fact that we can fill it up means something. The fact that it used to be on Auto Pilot like the Reg. BF2 server was amazing. It can become that again, all it takes is for people to remember these small things:

    >> How confused you were when you first started playing.

    >> How much you needed to rely upon others to help you learn what the game could be.

    >> The more you train others up in the ways of how to have an enjoyable server translates to later PR Generations. It's called the Trickle Down Effect.

    >> If you are so awesome at playing the game by yourself, then please leave the TTP server, you are only hurting the player base with your self righteous attitude.

    >> We can't expect others to come into the game knowing everything we know. We can expect to be assholes and have them listen to us. Sometimes it takes letting people make mistakes so that they learn faster. Forgiveness can right a multitude of wrongs and change the heart of a bad attitude player who is selfish.

    >> You want the server to grow then you have to know how to nurture and grow it. Later I will add to this all who contributed to helping the PR server get off the ground. *SIGH* < have to return to work otherwise I'd give those with poor attitudes a good piece of my mind.

    In no particular order:


    Each and everyone of these guys brought something good to the table when they joined the PR server. I never once read or heard of them berating players or belittling them in game. They took the time to get in game and learn the game. They sucked it up when things weren't great to make it something better. They chose to help others by being 'great TTP Ambassadors of the server'. We need more of that on the PR server and less of the leet talking, I'm better than you and you are doing it all wrong attitude that seems to have become so depressingly prevalent. I can remember hours of time spent working with other players on how to actually play the game and to get the most out of it. I lived and breathed this game for almost a complete year while giving up being a force to be reckoned with on the Regular BF2 server. I can and do play both games well. You will hardly ever hear of my name being cursed at when talking about players that are great to squad with. I'm not the best killer, nor am I the best squad leader {I don't micro-manage my squads like some do}, I take whatever I can get in any squad I create and I do my best to work with them.

    Sometimes I think if players that are regulars on the server would view themselves as 'Ambassadors of the server' and work with others no matter what. Things just might change for the better. I know for a fact, one of the main reasons I stopped enjoying the regular server is because of some of the un-necessary attitudes that are so prevalent on the server. Sad thing is, those attitudes are miniscule compared to some of the treatment of players in the PR server I've seen in the chat logs.

    That is the piece of my mind that so many really need to read and honestly hear what I'm talking about.
    I am bumping Bravo's post because I think this is the epitome of what TTP used to be and what TTP has become. We are all about teamplay on our servers. Not berating each other. How is berating someone because they suck being a teamplayer? In fact, its the antithesis. ANY of those guys on that list would be MORE than happy to share with you tricks, techniques and tactics. I strongly urge you all to look at yourselves in the mirror and ask yourself, "How have I helped the TTP BF2 community?" "What have I done to give it a bad name?" "Can I change that?" Read this man's wisdom. Read it, learn it, live it. Its good advice for not only the game and our face to the BF2 world but also to real life.
      ____    U  ___ u _____  U _____ u  __  __    ____    _  __                _   _   U _____ u 
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    (__)__)     (__) (__) (__)(__) (__) (./  \.) (__)__) \.)   (_/ \_)-' '-(_/ (_")  (_/(__) (__)

  4. Registered TeamPlayer LewTeNantDan's Avatar
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    Re: PR Player Base Too Small

    I have actually considered playing it. I just never see anyone on when I look at the server status on the side of the screen. And I have played BF2 vanilla for, well getting close to 4 years and its hard to stop. I always have a great time in Nilla land and it's hard to break away for something I'm not sure about.

    Maybe someday though.

  5. Registered TeamPlayer SpiritOfF1re's Avatar
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    PSN ID: Splintrr Steam ID: SpiritOfF1re SpiritOfF1re's Originid: Runehearte

    Re: PR Player Base Too Small

    Quote Originally Posted by LewTeNantDan
    I have actually considered playing it. I just never see anyone on when I look at the server status on the side of the screen. And I have played BF2 vanilla for, well getting close to 4 years and its hard to stop. I always have a great time in Nilla land and it's hard to break away for something I'm not sure about.

    Maybe someday though.
    Well, it's free and you can always delete/uninstall when you want...might as well give it a try eh?

  6. Registered TeamPlayer bust331's Avatar
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    Gamertag: bust331 PSN ID: bust331 Steam ID: bust331

    Re: PR Player Base Too Small

    Quote Originally Posted by TehSpaz

    I was russian, lol.

    And I totally don't understand how medic works >_< I came in as one cause my squad asked me to....and I was like "okay, wtf...someone kill me and take my kit!"
    CPR is for when someone is stuck in a wall or something like that, hit them a few times and they unstick.

    Epipen is to revive, hit them with that and then pull out your medic bag, click and hold until the little + icon on the side of your screen disappears.
    -Golden Rule of Teamplay-
    No Communication = No Win

  7. Registered TeamPlayer Red_Lizard2's Avatar
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    Re: PR Player Base Too Small

    decided to re-download it, not sure if i'll be able to play since it depends on if the school caps me (making my ping shoot through the roof). been long time though since i played on a regular basis (i think not long after TTP got the PR server iirc)

  8. Registered TeamPlayer DancingCorpse's Avatar
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    Gamertag: Dancin Corpse Steam ID: deltacorpse DancingCorpse's Originid: DancingCorpse

    Re: PR Player Base Too Small

    If anyone is interested, you can now check out my Article on the home page about Project Reality!

    Project Reality: It's like a piece of art.
    ^link to the article^

  9. Registered TeamPlayer ems_goof's Avatar
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    Re: PR Player Base Too Small

    I think the most fun I have on PR is on insurgent maps. First, it seems most of the PR guys have FINALLY figured out that being an insurgent isn't about going head to head with the infidels... it's about dragging the fight out as long as possible.
    Last night on Fallujah West, grabbing my trusty sapper kit (single action rifle, but man... those AT mines and IED's are awesome!) I rush out to the main road to drop my (very small) C4 pack. The thing is perfect... you can't see it when you're driving a vehicle, so you blow right over it. Sitting there hiding in a shrubbery, waiting.... waiting.... ahh! I hear vehicles coming! A fully loaded humvee drives right by, but right behind it is a supply truck! Hmm.... decisions decisions. Take out 5 guys that will spawn back in 30 seconds, or take out the supply truck, which takes forever to respawn, and without which they can't build firebases... this is a no-brainer! So the humvee coasts on by, and then BOOM!!! Down goes the supply truck (with I'm sure the humvee crew saying 'WTF'). So, I'm cackling (because it really is fun.. you need to try it some time) and typing out in global chat how much fun it was to blow up that supply truck. Tex says something about hating IEDs when he's driving supply trucks...
    So, off I go to the supply crate, and get another IED. Now, I know they're not going to come down THAT road again, so I wander to a different road. Drop my little IED pack, and hide behind a wall... A few minutes go by, and I hear a humvee now. BOOM! Down goes a full humvee! Again I gloat in global chat. Again Tex says something about hating me
    Off I go again, get another IED. This time I'm going to funnel them into my IED (because they're big roads). So, I drop an AT mine in the street, then go to the next intersection and drop my IED. Well, I'm sitting behind a wall, watching through a VERY small opening at the intersection, when my squadmates start telling me a Bradley is coming up the road with the AT mine! 'OK', I think, the mine is in the middle of the road... no WAY they can't see it (very high contrast of dusty road and black mine)... so I stay watching the intersection, hoping the Bradley will come up far enough to blow up.... suddenly BOOM!!! Apparently the Bradley DIDN'T see the mine.
    PR has so many options to be fun. Unfortunately we didn't win that round, because someone (who got banned) started telling the enemy where our caches were, and they took out 5 in a 2 minute period - we lost 12-0...
    Per Aspera Ad Astra

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