Quote Originally Posted by ...bigdog...
Quote Originally Posted by Fryguy09
After recently returning to TTP, I still love vehicles and am finding new ways to play I/O in my head. Like you suggested avoiding the streets and straight ninja'ing around the map.
tactically refined? Refined, as in restricted? anything that removes ways you can be killed.....whether it be certain weapons (AWP's or shotguns), or maps....or vehicles....makes you weak, tactically. It means you only want to face X challenges on Y fields with Z loadouts. Only. That's the definition of boring. Sure, it sucks to get blown to pieces by an APC on the hill.....but it's also fun as shit to run up on his ass, dodging fire, and drop a satchel on his hood. That, or call in an air strike, or artillery strike. Without such threats....such fun is not had.

Disagreed. Go play a good I/O server with TTP style squadplay, and you WILL have fun. Limiting can create challenge. Challenge = Fun