Quote Originally Posted by HungerForce
Since its kinda on the topic at hand, what do the lows do? Are they the "watch dogs" so to speak and go "Hey, guy with power, we're having Problem A in Server B."? Mids and Highs are pretty easy to figure out, from what I have seen... Mids can do kicks and warnings and the Highs do the ban hammers. And other tasks out of game of course.
Considering there's an article on the front page that adresses your question.

High Admin - The top of the food chain, have supreme control over every aspect of life at TTP and access to every conceivable form of punishment, both in game and out.

Mid Admin - Second in command to the Highs, can ban people both permanently and temporarily as well as kick, warn, slay, etc. We have at least 20 Mid Admins for TF2.

Low Admin - The vigilant many. Lows can kick, warn and temporarily ban problem players. We have 20+ Low admins for TF2 alone.
There are very slight differences, because of the game itself. 2142 lows are more than capable of policing the server by themselves.