Quote Originally Posted by Option hunter
Quote Originally Posted by Anti-Squeaker
Quote Originally Posted by Option hunter
Quote Originally Posted by Anti-Squeaker
Screw all of you married men and having guaranteed sex

I might hop into 2142, see how much I suck now. Anyone volunteer to have me? :9
Private Squeak! You're always welcome in my squad, no matter how much you suck.
pssh, thats Lieutenant Colonel Squeak to you. I still got those tags. And my Baur is still well maintained.
Well, thats Brigadier General Option to you, mister! And my tags are easy to get. All you have to do is walk around the map for awhile, and im sure you'll find a set on the ground somewhere.
The important part is to always be looking at the ground to find them. If you can see more than 2 feet in any direcion you are doing it wrong.