I didn't mean minor as in easy or not important. A good stress test would have saved Atari a whole lot of grief for Test Drive Unlimited for instance. But that tends to be more of a network kind-of thing. Definatly needs to be done, but shouldn't be dressed up as a "beta". I am sure that this also has to do with testing the server itself, giving the hosters time to iron out any bugs of their own.

I guess part of this is that when they call this a beta, it devalues all the hard work that people have put into real betas. Yes, there was/is geek cred for being a beta tester. But that is because you had to work for it. They didn't just give it away and expect nothing of you. It is that or I just really don't like the marketing departments! LOL

Bitter old man I am =P. Been in IT to long.