Quote Originally Posted by 11Bravo
Quote Originally Posted by DaKillerFox
Great to see that there is a separate thread about help for players. I apologize if the "Disruptive Players" thread was not the right place to pose those questions.

Since this thread is more free and open for discussion, I want to ask that on maps like Muttrah if it is okay for a single player to take a boat when there are not other modes of transportation. I usually avoid that unless my SL orders me to take the boat from the carrier.
I split your questions off from the main topic thread so that it would stay on topic and you could get the kind of answers you'd like in this one. Feel free to post all the questions you want. It's your thread. For most things, it's nice to have some of the moderators for this forum on your Xfire, that way, if you are in game and need them to contact an admin about something that is happening right then. We can facilitate it a lot quicker to get you the kind of admin assistance in game that is necessary. I don't suggest blowing up the Xfire with every little thing, just the really major ones, that way you are still going to use the in game chat to get admin assistance, but in dire circumstances you can at least get a little more specialized help quicker.
I don't like to run xfire because I don't think I have enough RAM on my PC. It's quite old, I only have 2 GB and I'm running Vista, so that's barely enough. Even with virtual memory, the BF2 game takes up almost the whole 2 GB's so I shut down everything before starting up PR. I almost don't even want to run Mumble, but make that sacrifice. The few times I ran Xfire, my machine slowed to a crawl. Usually, I've found that if someone is being an @$$hat in game, if you confront them about it and ask them what they are doing or remind them that there are omnipresent Admins around, even though it may not look like it at the moment, they shape up real quick. Otherwise, I just try to snap off a screenshot and then get out of there ASAP. More than anything, if you're not in the vicinity of a problem player, the most impact they have is that they affect the game play, such as poor teamwork, distracted players. If there are enough of them, the round might even turn bad and end quickly, as mentioned above. But by the time the next map loads, many of them have just popped out (hopefully because they were griefed enough by other players)!