Quote Originally Posted by Kanati8869
holy crap!

I get motion sickness REALLY bad on some FPS' and never knew why. PRETTY sure it's the FOV after futzing with it here. Set it to 75 and it's a lot less noticeable. Going to try 90 and see what happens.
I haven't played this game yet (ordered it from Amazon today) but YES you are on the right track.

Two things that cause motion sickness (which you can usually fix in most games) are low FOV and also input lag caused by mouse accel or vsync (note this varies largely dependent on game engine).

Try riding passenger seat in a car driving through the mountains, while looking out the front windshield through binoculars (I'm talkin REAL LIFE here folks). You'll get a quick example of why low FOV combined with erratic motion can make you very sick, very fast.

When starting ANY new game, there are two things I always do first (in addition to customizing controls). I get FOV and mouse sensitivity identical to my preference in all other games, if possible.