Quote Originally Posted by Sgt.TmH
Quote Originally Posted by jakt

Actually, everyone in the military says "fuck" every other word.
Actually, they don't.

Only junior enlisted do it, Marines probably the worst. But mostly just to be part of the group.

Cursing does has it's function. As Patton said it - when I want it to stick, I give it to them dirty.

But cursing all the time only dilutes that function.

I took a cue from my DI - he rarely cursed but when he did you knew he was really pissed! When I became I Sgt, I used the same tact. When I did curse, eyes went wide and it stuck!

A senior enlisted or officer who curses constantly is not considered well and is viewed to have a lack of elequence.
Your absolutely right its mainly enlisted, but I'm not sure about "only junior enlisted" and I meant everyone as in general.

I was in the Navy and our ships Master Chief and Boatswain had pretty dirty mouths. To make a difficult and stressfull situation palatable, my Boatswain served us a nice dish of "fucking funny". When he was pissed and actually gave a fuck about the person, there were no curse words at all. Dude was scary, kinda reminded me of a Mob boss.

Having a sailor's mouth in the Navy is, partially due to the close proximity to constant verbal profanity being spewed out by 1000+ enlisted stuck in a tin can for 3 months with nothing to FUCKING DOOOOOOO!!!!