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Thread: Kill the cam, not the thread.

  1. Registered TeamPlayer Toker's Avatar
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    Kill the cam, not the thread. Kill the cam, not the thread. Kill the cam, not the thread. Kill the cam, not the thread. Kill the cam, not the thread.
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    Gamertag: Mr ARIZ0NA Steam ID: tokerskillz Toker's Originid: ARlZ0NA

    Kill the cam, not the thread.

    Quote Originally Posted by ...bigdog...
    conversation is over.

    fucking waste of my time, as usual, with turds like quick and toker on the board.

    go back and find anyone else you speak to like this. Both of you fucks.
    We were having a constructive discussion in an open forum. Gathering people's opinions and debating different views, pros, cons, etc... It was all good. Nobody asked for your opinion, but we'd be willing to hear it. Nobody asked for you to waste your time, but you took it upon yourself to start slinging the shit. Why? Because heaven forbid people disagree with you. Then you start with the name calling. Fucking childish. My kid has better manners than you.

    Quote Originally Posted by ...bigdog...
    you either have an inferiority complex, which is pathetic, or are simply arm chair quarterbacks to chicken shit to stand up and be something in the game other than a follower and a shit talker.
    We are the ones standing up. We disagreed with eliminating the kill cam, stated why, and actually started a healthy discussion. You came in, chest all puffed up (since you are God's gift to the BF series) and decided it's best to prove your point and then start name calling to those who disagreed. You offered your opinion, great, leave it at that. You are a smart guy, no doubt, and you certainly have a way with words. No need to attack us who don't agree and then flip it around as tho we are the shit talkers.

    So, what was your next move? Lock the thread. Brilliant. Grow a fucking pair and let the debate continue. Did it get too heated? Was there too much name calling? Well, guess what, you started that shit and it's fucking embarrassing to be honest...

    Quote Originally Posted by ...bigdog...
    kill cams will be off, because I'm right, and everyone here knows I'm right. And I can say that, because it's true. You'll say "omg, what a jerk, I can't believe he said he's right, omg he's crazy"...because you're consumed with some sort craziness that compels you to such things, while othes will say "yeah, that's right...on a huge map,it's not really fair to snipers to reveal their positions" and agree.
    This is rich. Pure fucking win right there. "I am right, because I'm right, and everyone knows it. Nani nani poo poo!" Some agree with you, other do not. Does that make them wrong or some how inferior to you? No, it makes them forum members wanting to talk it out and have an open discussion...

    Quote Originally Posted by ...bigdog...
    be wrong, call me whatever names you want. Nothing new from either of you.
    LOL, we're just out to "get the man!" now aren't we? Grow up BD. I respect your opinion just like I do any other TTP member, but when you start calling people names, because "you are right and we are wrong" you are the one with the "inferiority complex" and just like you's pathetic.

    PS. I'm a TTP loyalist, whether you hate me or have some preconceived notions on who I am or how I act, that's your deal. I'll still be here contributing and yes... sometimes even disagreeing.

  2. Registered TeamPlayer bust331's Avatar
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    Kill the cam, not the thread. Kill the cam, not the thread. Kill the cam, not the thread.
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    Gamertag: bust331 PSN ID: bust331 Steam ID: bust331

    Re: Kill the cam, not the thread.

    Locked, toker, this would of been MUCH better in a PM, you know that.

    If you want to discuss kill cam, lets start a new thread, this time without calling others out and berating fellow TTP loyalists.
    -Golden Rule of Teamplay-
    No Communication = No Win

  3. Administrator ...bigdog...'s Avatar
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    Kill the cam, not the thread. Kill the cam, not the thread. Kill the cam, not the thread.
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    Re: Kill the cam, not the thread.

    Who knows why I didn't address this thread when it was made. Didn't see it, luckily...or perhaps unluckily.

    As for toker's I said, this stuff is a waste of my time. the very definition of a troll is doing what toker is doing. And for such actions, toker has been fired from all his admin and moderator positions, in all games. Bust has received a suspension, since he wasn't much of an example of a mid admin in the initial thread, either. He realized the seriousness of the situations, and made his amends, which is the only reason he isn't in the exact position toker is.

    anyone who reads my initial comments, follow ups, and responses, especially to civil, keiron, soy, and others who were DISCUSSING the issue will know I came in there to talk policy and rules. We did so.

    toker did nothing BUT drop bombs and one liners. cheap shots. childishness. Followed up by quick. And if this was a unique occurrence, then things would have played out differently. Too bad it's not. Most especially for toker and quick, who, like many others in this forum, seem to find it useful, if not amusing, to follow specific users, such as me, and make follow up wise cracks, jokes, and insults.

    Toker was fired by a unanimous vote of all high admins. Not just me. that includes all the good cops and bad cops many of you assume the highs segregate themselves into. Maybe we do, and maybe we don't.

    but at the end of the fucking day, when a high admin comes into a thread about a server configuration/rule issue, says what the rule is going to be, and WHY (as I did in my many posts prior to dealing with quick and toker), then that is the way it is. We have means to debate rules in the admin forums, and even in public. But what we don't do is start making comments like "omg, big, you don't even play, omg", or "omg, TF2 has killcam's that are just like BC2".....bald faced lies and ridiculousness. And such things from the general public are tolerable. Such things from MID ADMINS ON TTP SERVERS are NOT TOLERABLE. And so they face punishment.

    Does this mean you can't point the stink finger at the man, even if you're on the books as a mod, low, mid, or other position of power? No. Civil does it all the time, and did it all the way into him becoming a HIGH ADMIN, DUE TO HIS ABILITY to constructively present ideas, and work through issues.

    You want to be a flamer, then you can do it on the side lines. You will not do it with the benefits and privileges of a TTP admin.

    I make this post not to rub it into toker, or quick, or bust. But to point out the very big difference between being constructively critical of a rule (civilwars), and being a rotten forum troll, who's simply there to look cool. We can do that when we're talking about lady gaga being awesome, and obama being a socialist, or even sometimes about what it means to be a teamplayer (HC on or off, FF on or off, coop like a man or vs like a pansy, etc).

    And anyone without a chip on their shoulder would read my one liners above, such as the "coop like a man, or vs like a pansy" as exactly what they are: shit talking and fun exchanges of "I'm cooler than you" that mean nothing, since they are intangible and pointless conversations. As if any real person could honestly believe that Lady Gaga isn't hot....right?

    But for those with the chipped shoulders, and complexes, and a little too much of look-at-me-stick-it-to-the-man-itis.....there is no place for you in authority at TTP.
    Quote Originally Posted by ...bigdog... View Post
    If turd fergusons want to troll their lives away, that's the world's problem. Go read the comments section, or any comments section, anywhere. All of the big threads are going to be the crazy people saying stupid shit.

  4. Administrator ...bigdog...'s Avatar
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    Re: Kill the cam, not the thread.

    and for the record, Kraker has also been fired from all admin and mod positions for similar issues.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kraker Jak
    Jesus fucking christ....Fucking grow the fuck up...

    (go ahead and lock this)
    had something like this been in game....ALL TTP admins know what the punishment would have been, and that's not acceptable for a mid in any game at TTP.
    Quote Originally Posted by ...bigdog... View Post
    If turd fergusons want to troll their lives away, that's the world's problem. Go read the comments section, or any comments section, anywhere. All of the big threads are going to be the crazy people saying stupid shit.

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