Community news #2:

Hello my friends!

Now that a week has gone by I have some interesting announcements to make.

You may already know that Onslaught is out for Xbox 360 and PS3 and it has been a success.

Today we also released the BFBC2 Patch which I mentioned in the thread below. So download it, install it and start playing!

From the 5th of July to the 8th of July I will be online to play BFBC2 on PC and PS3. Here is how the timetable looks like:

5th of July: PC 20:00 - 24:00.

6th of July: PS3 20:00 - 24:00

7th of July: PC 20:00 - 24:00

8th of July: PS3 20:00 - 24:00

If you would like to invite me to VOIP feel free to do so and also, check the forums and Twitter to see where I will be playing.

There will be more in-game videos, blog posts and other relevant things coming to the blog so keep stay tuned!

Competitive Community updates

Other updates are that the Ukrainian team Nikolaev WildPark and the Russian team Win32 will square off in the Clanbase Open Cup BF2 Conquest finals. I wish to congratulate them on the success and hope they get well prepared.

On the ESL side of all things we also have a final coming up. This time it will be Epsilon eSports against the polish team Vae Victis. I also wish these guys the best of luck and congratulations on reaching the final stage of the tournament.

There is also currently a Squad Rush Tournament running over at Gamereplays with a $100 Prize:

I have received many questions and ideas and I am very grateful for that. Since this is a Battlefield blog and we have been getting a lot of Medal of Honor questions lately I would like to redirect you to the offical Medal of Honor website:

Keep posting your ideas and thoughts on Battlefield. I am especially interested if you are located outside of Europe and North America.
