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Thread: What is going on with TTP??? (a lack of teamplay and problems with the system)

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    Re: What is going on with TTP??? (a lack of teamplay and problems with the system)

    Hi all, Some good comments but I feel some people might be missing the point. Let me clarify, as follows:

    (1) This is not about team stacking;

    (2) It isn't about great SL's being on one side or the other (the round I referred to, Rico and Drax were not around).

    (3) It isn't just me moaning (as kawaltd750 also said)

    (4) This is not about micro-management of the server...I will let our pal comrade Obama push through that legislation as part of the newly revised 'Socialist States of America' program.

    My key issue is about a drop off in team play, notably a lack of interaction in squads. Now I have played with most of the regulars on TPP/TPG and aside from perhaps one guy (guess who?), I find you all pretty good and fun to play with. The level of comms varies at times but in general we all know what to do on which maps and help one another to succeed. More importantly, when I end up commanding (which is usually not because I like it but because we need it to win), SLs are attentive to orders and if not, they give me a reason why they can't. Yet, as I said, lately this has all gone out the window. I realize we have a lot of new faces/names on TPG and sadly most of them don't use a mic or even chat at all...which makes SLing and Commanding pretty difficult if not impossible at times. I have also been in squads where aside from the SL and me everyone seems to want to do their own thing, which is not teamplay at all.

    Now Visuvius (who is a good SL and commander) is correct that the game does ebb and flow...but lately the ebbs have been notably downwards. I just feel that we should be doing more to educate the newbies joining the server about what 'teamplay' is about. This is after all why I like playing on the server, as it is fun to play with buds and especially to kill those you like!

    Your thought on all this

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    What is going on with TTP??? (a lack of teamplay and problems with the system) What is going on with TTP??? (a lack of teamplay and problems with the system)

    Re: What is going on with TTP??? (a lack of teamplay and problems with the system)

    Quote Originally Posted by ARKOUDAKI View Post
    Hi Jlspence,
    For some reason I get this bug when playing BF2 where I can't fire a weapon and I keep moving to one side...I have checked the forums but can't figure out the bug. I have reloaded my game several times but every now and then I get this problem. That's what was happening in the MI-28, as I can pilot/gun fairly well (not the greatest but okay). Also, I am not flying with a joystick...just using the keyboard.

    When I had the problem I logged out, rebooted the game, and rejoined the action on TPG. The problem seems to go away...but like I said, it happens every now and then. I did apologize to my gunner about the mess.

    Hope this clarifies things.

    Kisses! ARK
    Just taking an educated guess here, but it sounds like a hardware input problem, i.e. your mouse, keyboard, or joystick. Next time this happens, like if you're moving sideways, unplug your usb keyboard and reconnect it. Or go all the way and unplug all three and reconnect all three. That's where I would start troubleshooting.

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    What is going on with TTP??? (a lack of teamplay and problems with the system) What is going on with TTP??? (a lack of teamplay and problems with the system)

    Re: What is going on with TTP??? (a lack of teamplay and problems with the system)

    Players need to spawn green and follow orders. SL's need to kick more and SL's need to follow commander's orders.

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    What is going on with TTP??? (a lack of teamplay and problems with the system) What is going on with TTP??? (a lack of teamplay and problems with the system) What is going on with TTP??? (a lack of teamplay and problems with the system) What is going on with TTP??? (a lack of teamplay and problems with the system)
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    Re: What is going on with TTP??? (a lack of teamplay and problems with the system)

    Quote Originally Posted by draco7891 View Post
    As for the technical issues, welcome to Battlefield. Technical faults of all kinds are the status quo for this game, and always have been.

    As for the rest, it's not a lack of teamplay, it's a lack of communication. The admins are not clairvoyant. If you say nothing about a recurrent problem in game, like squad leaders not obeying orders, then don't expect any help in fixing the problem. Bringing it to the forums after the fact doesn't help either, because by then the problem players have long since disconnected and left. I know kawalt didn't ask for an admin's attention, there's nothing in the logs from him for 2 weeks. I'm going to take a stab in the dark here and say that Ark didn't ask for an admin either.

    If you have a problem, bring it up right then and there, in all-chat (and maybe in nice big capital letters). The longer you let it sit unattended, the worse and worse it'll get.

    +1 for draco...

    but also those guys who think your a rat saying stuff like..."So what are they going to do about it" thats where admins definately need to see someone doesn't want to follow server rules... Take screenshots of those comments post them on admin attention that would make them want to beg for an unban and make them look really guilty for disobey teamwork rules

  5. Registered TeamPlayer Jlspence's Avatar
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    What is going on with TTP??? (a lack of teamplay and problems with the system)

    Re: What is going on with TTP??? (a lack of teamplay and problems with the system)

    Quote Originally Posted by Sfrichck View Post
    Ok i was on the chinese side last night during this wake round.... I would like to point out that no Drax and rico were not on the chinese side... they werent even online i believe that round. And rico was in fact on your side previous rounds. There were a few regs on chinese side, myself, loki, gmg, superbad, pepsi just to name a few but there wasnt any stacking. The first game of wake was fine, it was fun. The second game on wake it seemed that everyone on the US side just stopped working together, I sat at south abse whole time and ate my dinner. the next map it seemed there was more of the same. After that i logged.
    Well I'm pretty sure Clean Sweep was the map before Wake. If not, my mistake. At the end of the second round of Clean Sweep, Drax , Rico and GMG I know were on the US side, as were JPCarey (mouseandkeyboard), Quasi_Evil, cityboy and EvilSmileyFace. They would have been on the PLA side at the beginning of Round 1 of Wake Island. Whether they actually stayed for the map or not, I don't know. It was just an educated guess. Regardless, my point wasn't about team's just a fact that when one team has the best air players and the best squad leaders, the other team is going to get its butt kicked - period. If you don't have quality squad leaders to get the players to do what they need to do it's not going to make one damn bit of difference what the commander does.

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    What is going on with TTP??? (a lack of teamplay and problems with the system) What is going on with TTP??? (a lack of teamplay and problems with the system) What is going on with TTP??? (a lack of teamplay and problems with the system) What is going on with TTP??? (a lack of teamplay and problems with the system) What is going on with TTP??? (a lack of teamplay and problems with the system)

    Re: What is going on with TTP??? (a lack of teamplay and problems with the system)

    Quote Originally Posted by ARKOUDAKI View Post
    I have been playing on TTP for quite some time now and it is a great server. However, lately there seems to have been a lot of problems, with squad bugs, system shutting down, etc. So what is going on?

    Just as important is the fact that I have noticed a dramatic drop off in teamplay, which has usually been great on TTP. Last night was typical, I ended up commanding the US side on Wake Island (nobody else wanted to) and it was a joke...only two squads out of 9 were using mics to communicate. There was no concerted effort to move onto Wake, as everyone just sat on the carrier. It reminded me of the Blue Pearl map, where if the US first assault fails is pretty much goes down hill. Yet, on Wake you can easily cap flags. I kept asking squad leaders to get the jets and jump on bases but to no avail. There was just no teamplay at was pathetic. In stark contrast I could see that the Chinese team was working together pretty well. After a long time I just gave up and called it a night.

    In summary, TTP is a great server but this lack of teamplay of late really needs to get addressed. I look on the team rooster and see a lot of old hands but also a lot of new names...clearly we need to do more to educate people about 'teamplay'.

    Just my thoughts...feel free to add yours.
    As Sfrichck stated I was on Chinese side an sat at Beach the whole round and got 0,0,0,0. What I noticed was the you had a squad leader in a jet and all he wanted to do was bomb airfield. Never once did he bail out on a flag anywhere. It was a bad situation and I have been there many times before. I think it was a combination of good defense and self ego pilots on the side.

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    Re: What is going on with TTP??? (a lack of teamplay and problems with the system)

    What I noticed was the you had a squad leader in a jet and all he wanted to do was bomb airfield. Never once did he bail out on a flag anywhere. It was a bad situation and I have been there many times before. I think it was a combination of good defense and self ego pilots on the side.
    Yes, I know...I kept asking the individual to jump out of the jet and onto a flag but with no response. I also asked others to allow SL's to take one of the jets and do the same thing...with the same didn't happen.

    And for clarity, as far as I know JPCarey, Rico, etc left after Clean Sweep....if JPCarey was on our side in the jet we wouldn't have had these problems. Moreover, I know JP would have given up the jet to an SL for a jump on a flag, as he often does this to help the team win. Sadly when you only have two SL's bothering to communicate (and those two SL's were trying, especially one who had young voice and kept trying in a boat to reach Wake!) it is pretty darn useless.

    Now last night I played for a bit (until the server crapped out on Great Wall) and the teamplay was much improved at times. That said, I heard complaints from SL's that the commanders didn't communicate at all to them. My own personal view is that if you don't have a mic then you shouldn't command or SL...but that's just my opinion.

    Hopefully tonight will be good...

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    Re: What is going on with TTP??? (a lack of teamplay and problems with the system)

    Hey ark thanks for the kind remarks but even if I was on your side in a jet it still takes a lot of team work and strategy to win on US side wake. It just seems that so many players will follow the cow in front of them over the cliff on that map. Basically continually spawning at the little island when the choppers raping it or flying the blackhawk straight up the gut over and over. Honestly when you start to get fed up with the lack of team play you gotta step up and create a squad,invite some noobs,tell the bitches to hold spawn, grab a jet and bail the F*** out. If they don't listen take them to the iron maiden A.K.A. admin. If Visuvius was on your team he would have made it happen.

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    Re: What is going on with TTP??? (a lack of teamplay and problems with the system)

    Quote Originally Posted by iamjohnnyrico View Post
    Players need to spawn green and follow orders. SL's need to kick more ....
    Glad to see you are finally catching up.

    Quote Originally Posted by 11Bravo View Post
    I'm confused, is someone here saying we should micro-manage the server?
    Please for the love of God, NO.

    Quote Originally Posted by draco7891 View Post
    As for the technical issues, welcome to Battlefield. If you have a problem, bring it up right then and there, in all-chat (and maybe in nice big capital letters).
    It helps to hold your space bar down to move your cursor into the middle of your screen so it sticks out and everybody can read it.

    Quote Originally Posted by Jlspence View Post
    Drax , Rico and GMG I know were on the US side, as were JPCarey (mouseandkeyboard), Quasi_Evil, cityboy and EvilSmileyFace.
    I’ll volunteer to be the opposing team. Squad up with these guys enough, you know what, where and how they are going to attack each map. It’s fun playing spoiler.
    Last edited by DoubleFISTIN; 08-05-10 at 07:17 PM.

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