Quote Originally Posted by ARKOUDAKI View Post
Hi all,

So my question in reading Terranattor comments was this whole thing some deliberate act by a group of people to cheat or what? It would seem so, as all this crap was happening on the same map. Moreover, is this 'DARKROBERGE' and anyone else deliberately TKing permanently banned from TTP? And yes, deathgodusmc is correct, I was both using VOIP as well as writing to the team what was going on with this 'DARKROBERGE' piece of crap TKing me repeatedly.

I must admit, I have never had such a bad experience on TTP before...of course, last night was pretty awful. Let me summarize, I ended up CO again as nobody else wanted to and on Sharqi we were getting our butts kicked on both rounds. It was so bad that when we were the MEC side nobody was bothering to fly the chopper...and that led the US team to go and steal it. We managed to take TV and hold it thanks to some great teamplay from KK98 and squad...and the other SLs were also doing a good job. Yet, with the loss of our own chopper due to blatant stupidity - the US side stole it repeatedly as nobody on our side was bothering to collect it despite my telling them it was available - we were getting pretty chewed up. To add insult to injury, when we finally get our chopper back it only has a pilot, as nobody wants to gun...and that forces me to jump in the gunner seat and provide some close air support...while CO at the same time (I am good at multi-tasking). So then CharayOO (I think that is correct) starts to moan as I am in the chopper gunning. Heck, we only had around 15-20 players aside, so you can't just sit back and command only. In any event, the problem was caused by a lack luster team.

On the other side, my hats off to Rico and the rest for ripping us a new one. They kept up the pressure really well. And there is another player I have run into named Coldsteel I think who was also ripping it up.

So put it together and we lost repeatedly despite the best efforts of a few teamplayers.

Ark out
Ark we were out played and thats all that happened. If our side had stayed out of the jets and choppers we would have won several rounds. I know a couple times at the begining it was 2 guys capping flags myself and reaper. Of which we took top scores for our side on oman because we weren't trying to get into air assets. Sometimes you just have to let that shit go on a low pop. Those guys in the jets can not beat you if your in a squad, with evenly matched teams, and the squad leader is willing to stay off to the side. At the end of the day we beat ourselves on several of those maps by not playing smart.