I have been asked by a few people outside of the BF realm about this game. So I thought I would give a quick run-down of my experience thus far.... Quick history of my BF and Other FPS experience..... Played CS from 1.2-1.6, Source and a thousand plus hours in TF2. Played Desert Combat a bit (bf1 mod) and a fair amount of BC2, bought BF2, maybe played 10 hours total.

The game looks nice, some parts look way smoother and nicer the BC2. The non immediate atmosphere is great. The "outside" world seem more real. The world you play in looks a ton like BC2 with better texture and detail. The game play is good, the kits seem more balanced. No more medic with heavy MG (bc2). I havent unlocked much but the unlock system seem to give you what you need quickly then lets you build from there. I miss Carl... =( Hit detection seems ok but it seems to take around 5 rifle bullets to take someone down... I havent spent much time in the air but the balance is good. The squad spawning with the squad leader is better than free-for-all spawning like BC2. Squad leaders are very important now. Voip doesnt work, bullshit. Origin needs work but its not like steam from 2003..... Hopefully they streamline Origin and fix the battelog bugs. Battlelog isnt too bad, I have to restart it everytime I leave the TPG server and try to go back in... says map is changing. Not a big hassle but would like it to be fixed. Spotting requires a better look before it is marked, which I really like. No spamming Q like BC2.

Top 5 Likes:
-It is pretty and runs well on medium settings, full resolution on my computer.
-Large gameplay and team dynamic. TPG vent works well.
-Classes are fairly balanced.
-Its a real Battlefield game, its big, air support is fun but not OP.
-No massive noob tube and Carl Spam.

Top 5 Dislikes:
-Origin is not steam as we know it now. Bugs and a bulky GUI.
-The weapon changing, squad changing in game GUI is TERRIBLE. So much more complicated than it needs to be. It takes like 4 or clicks to change your laser sights. I still haven't figured out how to switch squads... =/
-Battelog "stops working" and it just seems over the top, cant we just join a game from an in game browser? If you dont minimize origin, you will have 3 windows open to play 1 game... dumb.
-The road vehicles (non-tanks) seem weak but it might just be the way im playing them.
-The maps are disappointing to me, I need to log more hours but Operation Metro is BF3 trying to be CS and the rest lack the diversity of water flanking island attacks. Its the nature of the plot-line, but still, its a game. I have high hopes for new maps tho!

Again this is my initial impression from someone who hasn't played or taken any BF game very seriously. I spent the money early on this as kind of a gamble (same with BC2) and overall I will say I am happy with the purchase.

Oh yea... WTF VOIP.