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DJ Ms. White

  1. Snow in Louisiana?

    It's so awesome and school is cancelled as a result! Wooooooooohoooooooooo!
  2. Hells Yes!

    So, besides finding out that I got a 99 on one of my first tests of the quarter, I just found out that my Modern Physics Lab has been cancelled again for the third week in a row! Yay to free time!
  3. Operation Get White a Beer

    Operation is a success!

    My parents aren't for serving alcohol in their household, so I decided to sneak some in for the new year. At first, I thought the operation would be for naught as my parents found and then hid my beer, but I found where they hid it! I shall be drinking a Samuel Smith Organic Cider to celebrate the New Year!

    Happy New Year!
    Culture , Drunk Tank
  4. People who don't drink, never have, never will

    So, today I'm at the Twisted Root (a great burger place), and they say they have a special egg nog milk shake. Sounds good right? Did to me; so I got one to have with my venison burger. Now, it's an "adult" shake, which means that they put a tiny bit of alcohol for flavoring in there. We're talking less than you'd get in a regular beer.

    My parents, who have never had a drink and never will, decided that this would inebriate me, so they took my keys. I'm all for having a DD, but seriously after less than a single beer? No one is that light weight except maybe a house elf.
  5. Cat put down

    Kind of kicking me while I'm down, but I just found out my cat Thelma was put down. The vet thinks she had a tumor. I'm very sad at the moment.
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