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DJ Ms. White

  1. Does anyone else get a hoot out of Draco?

    I mean the banned come in acting all innocent, and then Draco goes straight for the knock out punch. It always cracks me up to imagine the look on the banned players' faces.
  2. A month of work

    calling and emailing advisors, college staff, my psychiatrist, etc. and all for nothing. I had to even turn in 2 forms that were not required on the website just to get my appeal for financial aid looked at, but it's been denied. This sucks. 4 months of work down the drain from start to finish.
  3. More bad luck

    So, I just recently received a letter from financial aid saying I have to resubmit all of my forms plus an extra one not mentioned on my college's website. So no big deal right? Except the letter arrived yesterday and the deadline to get aid by the fall is the 15th of July (Letter was dated in May...). My advisor and apparently the rest of the physics faculty are unreachable by phone or email at the moment (it's the summer so they're off doing research elsewhere), and I need them to get me that one extra form, which only they can provide. I also have to have the new form faxed to me and then mail it with the other forms to the financial aid office all in t minus 3 days.
  4. Good food does bad things

    So last night, some friends brought over some fresh tortillas and some spicy pico de gallo. Needless to say, I had a few tortillas with some pico for lunch. It was yummy, but now my stomach is hurting from how spicy it was.
  5. Denied

    So, I just found out that my appeal to get financial aid was denied. Apparently, suffering from undiagnosed schizophrenia and major depressive disorder wasn't a good enough excuse for the fuckers. I'm even on file with the office of disabilities now. Now on to private fucking loans.