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DJ Ms. White

  1. Tinyportal

    I actually miss it. It was buggy as all get out, but it would eventually do what I asked. The current editor...not so much.
  2. Delusion

    So, tonight I was explaining to a class of new physics students my syllabus. I went over my homework policy, how I do quizes, how I do tests, and what the students can expect to learn. Then the shower went cold and I realized it was all just a delusion of my schizophrenia. Kind of makes me laugh now that I think about it although I wouldn't mind teaching the sophomore physics classes.
  3. Feel like I should know somebody

    So, I was showing my cello to a prospective buyer at a middle school. As I was leaving, two girls who I've never seen before called out to me by name and waved. I really feel bad about not knowing who they are, but I can't place them. I also can't think of many people 10 years younger than myself who I know.
  4. Borderlands

    So, I finally went and beat Borderlands until to get disappointed by the ending...I mean you don't even get into the vault. What a tease.
  5. Best Beer I ever tasted

    This is hands down the best beer I've ever tasted. Excellent at room temperature.
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