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  1. Photo Gallery Update [2] - PART 1

    To see my previous blog about this, click here.
    See Part 2 here.

    The Photo Gallery Project
    Welcome back everyone.

    Last time I went over some basic code, nothing really special.
    Now I've got some cool features implemented, some visual appeal going, and all-around coolness.
    Before I only had HTML and Javascript, now I have some PhP thrown in the mix as well.

    Since it took me so long to get around to this blog, I figured I'll give you two screenshots from when I was developing the site.
    After you've had time to take them in, scroll down and I'll highlight what has changed.

    Updated 06-16-10 at 06:58 PM by Imisnew2

    Real Life , Provocative Thought , Programming , Life
  2. Photo Gallery Update [1]

    To see my previous blog about this, click here.
    To see my next blog about this, click here.

    The Photo Gallery Project
    So before, I left off saying I was learning Javascript and PhP... well, I haven't actually touched PhP, but as for Javascript, I think I've got the most of it.
    For those of you who don't know (basically everyone), I started working as an intern last week. However, I have not been assigned anything yet.
    I made it through orientation, which took about 2 1/2 days to complete, but since then, I've been working on this project at work.

    But don't worry, they know I have nothing to do but teach myself stuff, so they let me work on it when they aren't introducing me to ...

    Updated 06-16-10 at 06:06 PM by Imisnew2

    Life , Real Life , Provocative Thought , Programming
  3. Learning Javascript

    To see my next blog about this, click here.

    The Photo Gallery Project
    I've been given the task of creating a web site that is a photo gallery.
    At first, I looked into flash and silverlight because it is harder to rip images (you can't simply right-click > save as), but then I remembered seeing a simple HTML website that wouldn't let you right click without popping up some error message box.

    After trying to install development tools for flash and silverlight for a few hours, I said forget it and decided to teach myself javascript and php.
    So I browsed on over to w3schools' javascript intro and php intro. I have recently been working with Ewok on a kill window for source games in python. ...

    Updated 06-09-10 at 08:19 PM by Imisnew2

    Life , Real Life , Provocative Thought , Programming
  4. Virginia Creeper Trail

    So I figure my first blog will be about my upcoming Virginia Creeper Trail biking trip.
    For those of you who don't know what that is, the Creeper Trail is "a 35-mile (56 km) multi-purpose rail trail in southwestern Virginia running from Abingdon to Whitetop, Virginia (near the North Carolina state line) and crossing numerous restored trestles and crossing the Appalachian Trail." - wiki. In layman's terms, a long downhill bike trail. I suppose it could be a long uphill trail too... just depends on how you look at it.

    So, I'm preparing this morning to go and since I don't have a camera (yet) I'm using my phone to take pictures.

    Updated 05-31-10 at 07:28 PM by Imisnew2

    Life , Real Life
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