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  1. Damn my Dreams!

    So I'm going to try and post more often in my blog thing, this is mainly a promise to myself so I doubt it will come to fruition. My hypothesis, if the number of posts determines the size of your e-peen then the number of blog entries determines the size of your e-balls. If this is true then I must get to work quickly or my manhood could be in jeopardy!

    Anyway, what I really wanted to talk about was this dream I had last night.

    Starts of pretty boring, I'm driving a car down some empty road in the middle of the night in the middle of a desert. My cell phone rings, the view point then switches to a third person outside the car looking in (like a flying camera next to the car), I notice I'm allot older but more ...

    Updated 07-21-10 at 10:32 PM by LuckyDucky

    Life , Virtual Life , Goofing Around
  2. Sangria

    This stuff is the shit.

    So I disappeared for a week or so on a River Canoeing thing (which mostly sucked), but whilst on the canoes I got plenty of Sangria because there was little else to drink. Which didn't suck at all, the Sangria that is.

    Anyway when I got back home for the Fourth, neighbors had a barbeque and we made more homemade Sangria, needless to say I highly recommend it.

    I don't remember how it tastes though... but it's probably good.
    Culture , Goofing Around
  3. Apparently I Died...

    Yea this is what happens when you're up all night, bored, and notice you have Photoshop installed.

  4. TPG Dark Theme

    So I've been messing with my settings and I found the TPG Dark Theme, which personally I think is better than the Default Theme.

    To get it, go to your Settings

    Then go to your General Settings

    Scroll down until you find "Forum Skin" and select the Dark Theme

    Save changes and ...
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