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  1. Recovery

    Day 16

    Dad got sick. We went no where. I stayed home and watched TV. -_- #Mylifeisboring

    Day 17

    So today I awoke very early to find myself dying of intense heat. I walked outside turned the fan on and slept on the couch. Then I rose at 2 PM only to find my father was still asleep. After that we went and visited my uncle who had just gotten my permanent resident forms. We ended up having dinner there and staying until 9 -_- and so I really just walked around to take pics. Here's two to make up for yesterday.

    Tai Shui Hang by Danny Yu Photography, on Flickr

  2. Cosplay HK 2011!

    So I guess for creative reasons I'll make the names of each blog creative. Today I awoke to some Facebook statuses about ISA (International Secret Agents) it's a Youtube event created by Wong Fu Productions (You should check out their shorts their amazing). Obviously I was pretty pissed since this year it was in my lovely town of Seattle. Roar, and I missed it. I was sad but you know what things were looking up because today was the last day of a cosplay event in Hong Kong. I didn't dress up just to let you all know, but I went with my cousin. It was cool, man did people dress up like crazy. There were a lot of negatives though ... For one thing, THERE WERE SO MANY PHOTOGRAPHERS! Everyone had a setup 10 times better than my ...
  3. Day 14

    What a memorable day, I guess. So today I awoke to my father and aunt arguing with who knows about checking something in the flat and why they didn't get notified. The mood was calm though after a shower and 15 more minutes. After that we went and payed a visit to my grandfather and grandmother. This was a first since they died when I was a wee little boy and when they did die, my father didn't want me attending their services when they did die. He said I was too young at the time, and I was no arguing that. Anyways, it was the first time I saw a picture of my grandfather. Not the first for my grandmother, I'd seen her in person and talked to her when I was about 4-5. Anyways, after that we prayed with incense and some other things I don't ...
  4. Day 13

    So today was a pretty boring day, I didn't wake up until really late and so we went to get brunch, but our aunt called us and so we waited. Those "15 minutes" turned into an hour. At that time once we went to go get brunch, Maxim Palace in Kwai Fong was packed. So we went down a floor to get some food real quick at Shanghai something. I forget the name because the food sucked. It wasn't even that great and in the end they charged a lot, a lot for Hong Kong standards. After that we all went our seperate ways since we couldn't decide on something. Me and my dad went to Tsim Sha Tsui, he ended up getting an upset stomach from the Shanghai place and so we went home. Which is why I'm writing the blog. The story of this photo is we were ...
    Video Games , Casual , Life , Real Life
  5. Day 12


    So today it was quite a boring day again. I woke up late, about 12 and so we didn't really have a lot of plans either. We ended up going to do some banking business at HSBC and we met up with my father's old friend/co-worker that was (and still is) a hairdresser. We ended going to Little Fat Sheep/Lamb or Xiao Fei Yang in Chinese. The brunch there was pretty good, better than the US at least. IMO. (The one we went to was in Mong Kok) we later went back to my uncle's (I'll refer my dad's friend as Uncle as I would in Chinese) salon and waited for his wife, and from there ...
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