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  1. Day 10, 11

    Day 10

    Server Connections-landscape1-jpg

    Sorry that I'm late on the entry. But today I was basically just recovering. I got bit by some mosquitoes on Day 9 and those things did a lot more damage than I thought. I got about 5 bites, but they swelled up pretty bad. I ended going to where my aunt works, it's a clinic and that was just to get ointment. It ended up becoming something worse, and they gave me some shots of some sort of pain-killer/numbing medicine. I don't really know what it was but I was tired and ended just going home and sleeping as that's why I assume it was some kind of pain-killer. It ended working (after all they gave me 3 sets of different pills). Still the bites haven't healed.

    Day ...

    Updated 07-28-11 at 11:41 AM by Shinobi

  2. 4,5,6,7,8,9/36

    Sorry I've been slacking on the blog. Trying get all my HK business done and getting settled in also adjusting to the lag.

    Day 4
    Sorry the photo got deleted and I didn't upload to flickr

    So today was a tiring one. We finished up packing and ended eating Dim Sum with the fam. After that I went and watched a Pre-Screening for Captain America! That was a pretty sweet deal. The movie is amazing, if you want to watch a Marvel Comic movie let me tell you it was a good one, there were scenes where it was kind of cheesy since they tried to incorporate 3D shots, but it worked. The dialogue was good and the story line as well. It didn't exactly make sense to some of my cousins but if you watched Iron Man (1,2), ...

    Updated 07-26-11 at 09:36 AM by Shinobi

  3. Sad day 3/36

    So today it's a muggy day in Seattle/Bellevue. Plus the fact that it's unbelievably boring to pack and do chores before I leave for Hong Kong tomorrow. Thought I'd just do this shot. While I was doing the shot though I learned I had sensor dust in my camera It's these tiny spots (can be white or black) in your pictures when you zoom in all the way. Sucks I have to get it cleaned. Probably going to go today so I can get my camera prepped for Hong Kong tomorrow. Hope ya'll are having a better than me. (Costs money to clean )

    Name:  5955071097_511226d390_z.jpg
Views: 95
Size:  170.6 KB

    View bigger:
    Le Blog:

    Canon T2i

    Updated 07-19-11 at 03:30 PM by Shinobi

    Life , Real Life
  4. A New Day 2/36

    So today was a really boring day. I woke up pretty early, around 9 AM, from there I got some breakfast with the family. After that we started packing. Let me say, packing really sucks. It was so boring so I just thought I'd do my photo early so I could get it out of the way. The day is still early and It's sunny too, the first time since last week. So, hopefully some exciting things will happen in a bit. Sorry my life isn't too exciting. Free-Lensed.

    Name:  5951037181_419866b1fb.jpg
Views: 1983
Size:  123.1 KB

    Photo Info!
    Canon T2i
    50mm f/1.8 @ f/0
    ISO 100
    Casual , Life , Video Games
  5. The Adventures of Me (1/36)

    So I'm going to Hong Kong soon and what better way to share my pictures and adventures that blog. So I guess today I'll start the blog off. It'll be a little like Project 365 if you guys are internested into the photography side of things. Oh I'm also doing this as I kind of want to get explored by Flickr XD It'd be awesome if you guys viewed and even better comment/fav it if you have a Flickr account. The goal of this, is by the end of this get at least 1 picture explored. Course, if they don't. That's fine by me Sharing with the Community.


    Water Mountain | Flickr - Photo Sharing!
    Le Blog:

    I shot this when I was hanging ...

    Updated 07-17-11 at 09:08 PM by Shinobi

    Life , Real Life
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