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Defiant's Blog

  1. A Great Song to Sum it Up

  2. What Makes Team Player Gaming So Great?

    You know, it's hard to believe that I've been playing on TTP/TPG servers since about late 2006. That's five years now and those years have flown by like the wind. In all this time at TPG, through the good times and the bad, there has always been one shining beacon here that has kept me coming back.


    The sense of togetherness at TPG, for me, has always been this gaming communities crown achievement and I believe it is what brought us all together back in those early TTP days.

    For me, togetherness means a lot, it's what sets us apart from the numerous public servers out there. As team players we have a sense of togetherness that is more valuable than super stats or high performance

    Updated 02-20-11 at 04:03 PM by Aegis-77A
