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Video Games

  1. Sonic Generations Mini Review

    I told myself several times I wouldn't do a review of this game, but here I am. Couldn't keep away from the reviews long enough, I guess, and this is the only one that I have that deserves a review.

    To be perfectly honest, I never played any of the original Sonic the Hedgehog games. My only entry to the series was Sonic Adventure on the Dreamcast, when I was just a little kid. I stayed away from consoles most of the time between the Xbox and today, so I haven't noticed all the releases for the Wii, Xbox 360 and PS3 for Sonic the Hedgehog. This is the first one that came to the PC that actually caught my attention while I was browsing IGN (That's how below the radar it was for me). So basically, I'm a newcomer to the field of Sonic ...
    Video Games
  2. Solar 2 Mini Review

    As I promised, I would start doing mini-reviews until I can find another game that warrants a full review, or if there's enough community pushing for me to start publishing my work.

    This time, I'm reviewing Solar 2, a relatively cheap (10$) game with an interesting twist.

    Overview: Solar 2 can't really be defined in my normal review format because it's rather unique. Most space-based games have you whizzing through space in a space ship or fighting on planets for territory. Solar 2 is unique in that you ARE the universe. YOU are the asteroids, the planets, the stars, and yes, the black holes. You start off as a humble Asteroid, are guided briefly by "The Entity" before he offers you two choices: complete ...
    Video Games