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  1. Maybe I am not as old and crusty as I thought.

    So I had my previous post about how all the new options may be overkill, but I think I changed my mind. I think our clan might have the best group page on TPG. Don't believe me, just check it out here. This group page allowed us to unsticky several stickies, thus making our actual public forum more of a forum, where you have discussions, instead of a bunch of rules.

    I know there have been some issues with the conversion to vB, but to this point I am thoroughly impressed, and might be in love. Now if only I could get blogs that had view limitations as it offers, and we could clean up the private forums as well. Maybe soon.
    Life , Virtual Life
  2. Is this overkill?

    So we have forums, and we have articles, but now we have added blogs too? Maybe it's just me, but I think it is overkill. What would you post to a blog that wouldn't be a topic or an article? I don't know that I really care about your life story, ask Dusty how boring she thinks I am on FaceSpace and I don't use Twitter, but even if I do care can't you just post a topic about it? Maybe it is just crusty old man syndrome, I am about to be 35 after all, like you care.

    Updated 05-27-10 at 09:11 AM by CivilWars

    Culture , Life
  3. New job, same company

    Finally, I get back to a regular schedule, well, after a 3 day weekend. Starting June 1 I will be transferring to a branch location with my bank. That means I will be home earlier, and can whip your asses more regularly both in games and on the forums. Depending on how long my son's b-day party lasts Monday I night even make the HRD raid for some BF2.

    Updated 05-27-10 at 09:10 AM by CivilWars

    Life , Real Life