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  1. A stroke of luck!

    The last several months have been tough. I've been dealing with the unfortunate side effects of my medicines not working. That really shot me in the foot as far as classes. While I could manage to go to classes, I was barely able to do anything else other than that and read the forums from my phone (yay for 3G). I also unfortunately could not keep up with classes while I was in them; I would write down notes, but I wouldn't comprehend them with the voices distracting me except in my thermodynamics class (I've already taken taken engineering Thermo I and II).

    Today though, my mother realized that since I have two disabilities that I can stay on her insurance listed as "disabled and unable to support myself". This will ...

    Updated 05-13-11 at 12:28 PM by DJ Ms. White

  2. F.E.A.R.

    So, as I woke up at 3AM today I decided to load up F.E.A.R. I consider it a classic game with some of the best AI I've encountered and some scary moments (not gory scary, but "oh shit something is happening out of my control" scary). It also has a pretty demented story line if you take the time to learn in game.

    After it finished loading, I got to playing. 16 minutes later I stopped. The graphics were just sub-par especially the smoke. Mind you, I'm not comparing the game to say Metro 2033, but games that came out at the same time like HL2 and Doom 3. Those games still look pretty good and at the time had amazing graphcis. The water effects in HL2 (especially Lost Coast) were something else. It just felt like lazy and/or ...
  3. Snow in Louisiana?

    It's so awesome and school is cancelled as a result! Wooooooooohoooooooooo!
  4. Hells Yes!

    So, besides finding out that I got a 99 on one of my first tests of the quarter, I just found out that my Modern Physics Lab has been cancelled again for the third week in a row! Yay to free time!
  5. People who don't drink, never have, never will

    So, today I'm at the Twisted Root (a great burger place), and they say they have a special egg nog milk shake. Sounds good right? Did to me; so I got one to have with my venison burger. Now, it's an "adult" shake, which means that they put a tiny bit of alcohol for flavoring in there. We're talking less than you'd get in a regular beer.

    My parents, who have never had a drink and never will, decided that this would inebriate me, so they took my keys. I'm all for having a DD, but seriously after less than a single beer? No one is that light weight except maybe a house elf.
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