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  1. bf2 gaming tips

    The purpose of this post is to collect the assortment of links and tips for improved bf2 playing:

    # best squad lead write-up I've seen (wish I could have met this guy):

    # aiming write-up - an interesting idea, but I found the article a bit long and conveluted

    # iron sights aiming

    # Deathmatch tips (thx to GMG for the link); though I'm not sure I agree with "not kneeling" (I frequently kneel, and find it effectively ...

    Updated 03-23-12 at 03:04 PM by donfede692 (add deathmatch info)

  2. 2012 gaming rig refresh

    Notes on the 2012 refresh of my gaming rig.

    Current rig - alienware m11x R1. This has served me well, especially for the price I got (2nd hand). Alas, BF3 does not run on this system, so I'm looking to upgrade/build a new system in 2012.

    While ideally I'd stick with a laptop or microatx form, with the aim of taking up the least space possible, reality is pushing me towards a tower/mid-tower so I have better upgrade options going forward.

    # other sample systems
    fixme: research and add...

    # target components
    cpu - ~AMD
    mobo - ?
    ram - ~4gb for now
    disk - ~100gb sata
    power supply -
    fan(cpu, case) - ~zalman
    gpu -
    GeForce ...

    Updated 01-05-12 at 07:52 AM by donfede692
