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  1. I miss the ocean.

    I love the ocean... everything about it seems to bring out the best in me. It doesn't help that I surf, and it is kinda hard to practice that in Colorado.

    It isn't possible for me to put in words how much I miss the waterfront. The boardwalk, the wildlife... hell, I can even tolerate most people out there.

    What I am trying to say is, I miss the ocean. It is important to me in life, and not having something like that with you truly sucks.
    Life , Real Life
  2. Back to school...

    Thought I would start with a brief introduction of myself, since I never really did that here :P

    My name is Paul, I live in Colorado right by Allane (we go to the same HS, in fact)
    Currently 17 years of age, and am playing CSS regularly, TF2 on occasion, and Borderlands in the rare chance I can team up with someone.

    So, this is the night before i go back to school. Lucky enough, last year of the public education system for me (), then its off to college and careers and such.


    Only thing I am really excited for this year is the END of the year, it seems. Hopefully this year actually turns out well, as the previous years of HS have been absolute SHIT for me. ...
  3. First Post

    So, Blogging. Seems kinda like an expanded version of Twitter, except without the word limit. I mean, anyone else find it really annoying wh

    Anyone who catches that joke, +1. ANYWAYS >.>

    Don't really know what i should be talking about on here. I mean, finals are almost up for me. Just gotta take one more, 7:30 - 9:00, and I am DONE for the year! 'Cept I have to wait until Monday to take it. Kind of sucks, but I can hang in there for the time being. Easy test too, not even necessary for me to study for it. Heh, after this only one more year of HS. Can't tell if that is a good thing or bad, thinking it may swing both ways.

    Going to try my hand at some more CS:S. Hope some of you guys are recognizing ...
    blog_cat , Life , Real Life