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  1. Gaming Cultural Exchange and EA

    So I have been playing a lot of BF3 lately. As most people know, the graphics are phenomenal and the gameplay, while no BF2 or 2142, is still pretty darn good. What is really bothering me is the loss of VOIP and Commander Mode. Commander mode is not a terrible thing but the nearly complete omission of VOIP is intolerable. Now I know what you are saying right now: "But Gumby, there are a million rants on the internet pipes about this" Maybe so. But this one is a bit different. As an American living overseas, I have really, really enjoyed gaming on the pub servers here. I have learned so much German and French just by playing online games with a more traditional approach to VOIP. European servers often have people speaking ...
  2. Withdrawl Symptoms

    So I had to move for my new job. And the new house and job are great with one glaring exception. I have not been able to get internet installed here yet. I have been using a USB Surfstick for my e-mail and surfing needs. That is all well and good, but it is worthless for two things I love. Streaming media and online gaming. I thought when I got this house, I would be able to get the awesome 100mb cable that is available on every street in town, except mine it seems. I offered to pay the cable company to put it in here, but they declined. So I went back to my DSL company and asked them to hook up the DSL. That seems to have been lost in translation. I said "sign me up for a new two year deal" but they heard "Ich möchte ...
    Life , Virtual Life , Technology
  3. Technical Refresh

    So I finally decided to upgrade my aging gaming rig. It is amazing how much computing power $500-$600 buys these days. Quad-Core, 4GB of RAM, and all the latest whiz-bangs like USB 3.0 and SATA 6G/s. Now if only someone would figure out a way to teleport my parts to Germany so I don't have to wait on shipping.
  4. The Batman

    So, I just finished Batman: Arkham Asylum.
    Possibly the best single player game I have played in a year. I was thinking, the Batman is probably one of the most heroic of any comic book character. He has no super-powers and many of his enemies do. He relies on his wit, intellect, agility, intimidation, and trickery to win against overwhelming odds.
    But thats enough geek for one post.
  5. I'm Tha Boss

    Boss is out of town and left me in charge. I think this is a symptom of how low our standards at work have dropped.
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