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Virtual Life

  1. Withdrawl Symptoms

    So I had to move for my new job. And the new house and job are great with one glaring exception. I have not been able to get internet installed here yet. I have been using a USB Surfstick for my e-mail and surfing needs. That is all well and good, but it is worthless for two things I love. Streaming media and online gaming. I thought when I got this house, I would be able to get the awesome 100mb cable that is available on every street in town, except mine it seems. I offered to pay the cable company to put it in here, but they declined. So I went back to my DSL company and asked them to hook up the DSL. That seems to have been lost in translation. I said "sign me up for a new two year deal" but they heard "Ich möchte ...
    Life , Virtual Life , Technology