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  1. A New Romance in My Life

    Ok so it's not technically "new".

    Ah yes, nothing like some manly photoshopping of Nutella on pretty pink backgrounds to cheer myself up during the Holidays.

    EDIT: Might as well add this one here as well, after all one is never enough.

    Updated 12-22-10 at 03:34 AM by LuckyDucky

    Life , Culture
  2. Post Apocalyptic Writing

    I was bored with my current projects, so I dug this up and rewrote some of it. Between this, a retro review I'm working on, a little something I'm planning to do right before the Starcraft 2 release like maybe a weird blog (don't tell anyone), starting up on the road to college, maybe getting off my lazy ass and getting the license to drive the car on said road, and a bunch of totally sweet and not gay games coming out this fall, 2010 should be an awesome year (2009 sucked). More blogs to come, maybe more stories like this, or some with happier themes.

    Anyway go ahead and enjoy it, and then tell me I'm crazy for writing this weird stuff.

    The Hunter...

    Video Games , Life , Real Life
  3. Damn my Dreams!

    So I'm going to try and post more often in my blog thing, this is mainly a promise to myself so I doubt it will come to fruition. My hypothesis, if the number of posts determines the size of your e-peen then the number of blog entries determines the size of your e-balls. If this is true then I must get to work quickly or my manhood could be in jeopardy!

    Anyway, what I really wanted to talk about was this dream I had last night.

    Starts of pretty boring, I'm driving a car down some empty road in the middle of the night in the middle of a desert. My cell phone rings, the view point then switches to a third person outside the car looking in (like a flying camera next to the car), I notice I'm allot older but more ...

    Updated 07-21-10 at 10:32 PM by LuckyDucky

    Life , Virtual Life , Goofing Around