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  1. 10,000 Posts...So What?

    Quote Originally Posted by Potemkine View Post
    As I sit in my comfy black leather computer chair, staring at my monitor, reading a thread I have posted in, my eyes wander over to my avatar and related information. I am startled by one truly astounding number next to the field that says "Posts:" 10,000. Ten thousand. I look back and say to myself..."Wow, have I really said that much? Have I really been here THAT long?" My eyes then move up to the field above it: "Join Date: 11-16-06". November 16, 2006. A touch over 3 months from my 4 year aniversary on Texas...TeamPlayers... now TeamPlayer Gaming. In many ways, it is a long time. Yet, it only seems like yesterday that I was just clicking on the button that says "Texas...TeamPlayers... Battlefield
    Life , Virtual Life
  2. Launching a facebook app develop suite

    White label social networking startup KickApps has launched a new development suite that aims to simplify the Facebook app development for marketers, brand managers and developers. The KickApps App Studio now allows anyone, including non-programmers, to create rich media Facebook applications.

    So the company that I work for just recently announced a huge new medium. Developers can now use our user friendly interface to develop simple, yet robust Facebook applications. We are currently partners with a whole host of major parties in terms of products. IBM...Martha Stewart...Adobe...the list goes on. The age of fully seizing the potential ...
    Life , Real Life
  3. Potemkine's venture into the modern IT workplace

    So as some of you know, I was recently hired by a company called KickApps as an intern for the summer. KickApps is a internet hosting company that develops software for community building. (I am still trying to get a read from what they do to see if TPG could benefit). Today was my first day on the job. Man the time FLEW! I arrived into the office at 830, 30 minutes before I was told to, and had solid work until about 2pm! I had about a 15-30 minute lunch break, but it wasn't much. Had some spicy Indian food which was pretty good actually!! Basically, all I did was format hard drives on laptops and install win 7 on them, along with syncing programs from the network drive. Kind of boring to some, but hey, I had a lot of fun doing ...