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  1. Photo Gallery Update [2] - PART 1

    To see my previous blog about this, click here.
    See Part 2 here.

    The Photo Gallery Project
    Welcome back everyone.

    Last time I went over some basic code, nothing really special.
    Now I've got some cool features implemented, some visual appeal going, and all-around coolness.
    Before I only had HTML and Javascript, now I have some PhP thrown in the mix as well.

    Since it took me so long to get around to this blog, I figured I'll give you two screenshots from when I was developing the site.
    After you've had time to take them in, scroll down and I'll highlight what has changed.

    Updated 06-16-10 at 06:58 PM by Imisnew2

    Programming , Life , Real Life , Provocative Thought
  2. Rattler's CSS Thought of the Week

    Shoot, Move, Communicate.

    Consider it.

    It can be very advantageous in CSS not be seen in the same place twice, sometimes even between one single shot and the next. Consider this tactic especially if you are outnumbered, or in a possible clutch situation. Never assume that if you see and fire at your opponent, and he sees and fires at you, that you can re-peak him and will come out on top, even if you are a dead-eye shot. Rather, assume he will move, throw a nade where he saw you, or tell his teammates EXACTLY where you are so they can shoot at you as well. Use this tactic against him, use the elements of surprise and confusion, and use your mic to tell YOUR teammates exactly where you see the enemy.
  3. The Farmer's Daughter

    The child rocked idly on the swing set, pretending at play, but mostly it was a failed attempt to distract herself from the pain, thirst and hunger. She left little half-foot prints in the dust as she used the balls of her feet to walk herself forward and back.

    Mommy and daddy were still in bed sick, which they had been for awhile. Daddy needed to get better soon, or he wouldn’t be able to teach her about farming, like he and mommy promised.

    They lived in a small farmhouse, which used to be worker housing for the large farm mommy and daddy had inherited from daddy’s parents. The big farmhouse got burned down when the bad stuff happened (she didn’t know what bad stuff, but daddy said so, so it must be true), so daddy’s ...

    Updated 06-16-10 at 12:37 AM by Benjamin Burch

    Life , Virtual Life
  4. Guitar Music

    Alrighty then! I love playing Deep purple and led zepplin, Haven't played in ages... Figured I'd start a blog on Music and more aimed at our guitarists. Comment and leave your favourite Tab to play, my is Lazy by Deep Purple, re-learning this badboy is giving me chills and thrills! Go ahead, rock on baby!
  5. Chilluscious

    Ever had one of those days, stress, strife, torment and torture or just a plain bad day at the JOB ? Well help is here just turn off your mind and float downstream
