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  1. Learning Javascript

    To see my next blog about this, click here.

    The Photo Gallery Project
    I've been given the task of creating a web site that is a photo gallery.
    At first, I looked into flash and silverlight because it is harder to rip images (you can't simply right-click > save as), but then I remembered seeing a simple HTML website that wouldn't let you right click without popping up some error message box.

    After trying to install development tools for flash and silverlight for a few hours, I said forget it and decided to teach myself javascript and php.
    So I browsed on over to w3schools' javascript intro and php intro. I have recently been working with Ewok on a kill window for source games in python. ...

    Updated 06-09-10 at 08:19 PM by Imisnew2

    Life , Real Life , Provocative Thought , Programming
  2. You guys have your Football and Basketball, I have video games.

    Let me explain, I was playing TF2 as Sniper and kept getting body shotted by the same two people every time. So after a while I just got sick of it and told them "I bet you can't get one skillful head shot on me". He complained a kill is a kill, I replied "sure, sex is sex but you won't get any sense of accomplishment doing it with a girl who's fugly".

    My point is that when I personally play a game, I try to do so with skill. People who consistently and intentionally try to be cheap at games just annoy me. Cause they're rewarded for it, and they shouldn't be. You should be rewarded for skill, not lack thereof.

  3. Steam Treasures: Evil Genius

    Next on my list of games that you may have missed,

    Evil Genius

    This happens to be another one of my favorite time wasters. You start out by choosing the equivalent of a James Bond villain. From that point you start to build your evil lair, which will be your launching point on ruling the world.

    The gameplay is fairly simple, start building your base with a few tile sets that you have available at the beginning. Such as a control room, and a barracks for your men. From there you start doing missions, earning money and unlocks. Before you know it, you are building death rays, torturing people for intel, and setting traps for all the unlikely intruders ...
    Video Games
  4. Virginia Creeper Trail

    So I figure my first blog will be about my upcoming Virginia Creeper Trail biking trip.
    For those of you who don't know what that is, the Creeper Trail is "a 35-mile (56 km) multi-purpose rail trail in southwestern Virginia running from Abingdon to Whitetop, Virginia (near the North Carolina state line) and crossing numerous restored trestles and crossing the Appalachian Trail." - wiki. In layman's terms, a long downhill bike trail. I suppose it could be a long uphill trail too... just depends on how you look at it.

    So, I'm preparing this morning to go and since I don't have a camera (yet) I'm using my phone to take pictures.

    Updated 05-31-10 at 07:28 PM by Imisnew2

    Life , Real Life
  5. Delusion

    So, tonight I was explaining to a class of new physics students my syllabus. I went over my homework policy, how I do quizes, how I do tests, and what the students can expect to learn. Then the shower went cold and I realized it was all just a delusion of my schizophrenia. Kind of makes me laugh now that I think about it although I wouldn't mind teaching the sophomore physics classes.