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  1. Maybe I am not as old and crusty as I thought.

    So I had my previous post about how all the new options may be overkill, but I think I changed my mind. I think our clan might have the best group page on TPG. Don't believe me, just check it out here. This group page allowed us to unsticky several stickies, thus making our actual public forum more of a forum, where you have discussions, instead of a bunch of rules.

    I know there have been some issues with the conversion to vB, but to this point I am thoroughly impressed, and might be in love. Now if only I could get blogs that had view limitations as it offers, and we could clean up the private forums as well. Maybe soon.
    Life , Virtual Life
  2. And the man said..."Justify your existence."

    Once when I was five years old I was introduced to a man. I don't remember his name or exactly what he looked like, but I do remember what he said to me. "Justify your existence."

    I didn't know what the hell he was babbling about. No clue. I was five. I can only imagine now what I was thinking then. I probably thought about it and came to the conclusion that I was the new owner of a "zistance" (whatever that might be) and got excited wanting to play with it. And maybe wanted to know what he was going to "just if I" (justify) it. It was mine and I'm sure I didn't want him doing anything with it. Hell, I just found out I had it, whatever it was.

    Through the years I thought little of ...
  3. House for two: 18,000 Sqft -> $22 million, 2 years to construct

    Just toured it. WOWOWOWOWOWOWOWO. 12 foot doors, instead of the standard puney things, these were 3 inches thick, with hinges the size of your arm.

    Ill start uploading the pictures.
    Life , Real Life
  4. TF2 Espionage: A Guide To Playing Spy

    Apparently the original thread got deleted so here's my blog on it, post your comments below and tell me what you like about the videos. Oh, and subscribe too so you can keep up to date with the vids.

    Episode 1: High Value Target

    Episode 2: Man with the Broken Gun

    Episode 3: On Her Majesty's Secret Surface

    Episode 4: A Cut Above


    Updated 08-28-10 at 11:41 AM by Watsyurdeal?

    Video Games , First Person Shooter
  5. Steam Treasures: Sol Survivor

    Well I'm going through all the games that I have in my steam list, picking out the lesser known tittles and giving them a go. So many games we pass over because we have never heard of them, or they are not from a major developer. There are some good ones out there and i would like to share the love, (plus i need some other people to get them so i can play multiplayer)

    first on my list

    Sol Survivor

    Sol Survivor is a fantastic multiplayer tower defense game. Aside from the single player it really shines with its other modes, like fighting wave after wave until you can't go on any longer with survival mode, or hopping online and ...

    Updated 05-30-10 at 06:27 PM by Howlin Mad Murphy

    Video Games