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  1. Pokemon is friggin complicated

    Ok so get this, I started playing Pokemon Platinum a while ago purely because of nostalgia. I missed these games and I figure it'd be fun to play while I try to chill out at night. Well, I got challenged by a friend for a battle and started looking at move sets and whatnot. Big mistake, the following is shit you gotta do to make a bad ass Pokemon.

    1. Breed, a lot, to get specifics natures (which boost one stats by 10% and decrease another by 10% as well). And then you got to breed for IVs, which add a little more power to your stats. Oh, and some moves you can ONLY get through breeding, so that's another pain in the ass.

    2. Next, you got to EV train, which means you kill a certain Pokemon to increase certain stats. ...

    Updated 05-25-10 at 10:59 PM by Watsyurdeal?

  2. The Batman

    So, I just finished Batman: Arkham Asylum.
    Possibly the best single player game I have played in a year. I was thinking, the Batman is probably one of the most heroic of any comic book character. He has no super-powers and many of his enemies do. He relies on his wit, intellect, agility, intimidation, and trickery to win against overwhelming odds.
    But thats enough geek for one post.
  3. Is this overkill?

    So we have forums, and we have articles, but now we have added blogs too? Maybe it's just me, but I think it is overkill. What would you post to a blog that wouldn't be a topic or an article? I don't know that I really care about your life story, ask Dusty how boring she thinks I am on FaceSpace and I don't use Twitter, but even if I do care can't you just post a topic about it? Maybe it is just crusty old man syndrome, I am about to be 35 after all, like you care.

    Updated 05-27-10 at 09:11 AM by CivilWars

    Life , Culture
  4. I'm Tha Boss

    Boss is out of town and left me in charge. I think this is a symptom of how low our standards at work have dropped.
  5. Minimalist Desktop

    My new Minimalist desktop for Windows 7.

    The box with the Steam, XFire, and other icons in it is a Windows Gadget made by and allows me to store any program shortcuts I want there. The first Icon that you see which is a Chess Piece opens up a flyout window listing all files in there (in this case all my game shortcuts) and allows me to open/execute them without actually opening the folder, which means I won't have a folder in the background while I am gaming.

    The box at the top more near the left is a Systems control box that allows me to shut down, restart, open the Task manager, or start the ...