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  1. CS:S - Clips, Rants, and More #7

    October highlights are finally up

    Took me a long time to get this one up...Been busy and just haven't had a whole lot of time to put it all together. Hope you guys enjoy!

  2. Let's Play Amnesia: The Dark Descent

    After watching several reaction videos to the game, my girlfriend and I decided to start playing through Amnesia: The Dark Descent. We just started the other night, and I've been recording our game play footage. Come watch and play along with us!

    No commentary from us as we play though...Just straight game play footage for now. Recording our voices/reactions is something I'll have to work on and talk her into doing :P

    Here's the playlist for the videos as well:

    If you enjoy them (Or my other videos), subscribe or keep ...

    Updated 11-04-11 at 05:33 PM by Sundance

    Video Games
  3. CS:S - Clips, Rants, and More #6

    It's been a while since I've made a video, and I thought it would be cool to do sort of a monthly highlight reel. Mainly just straight frags...Pretty simple editing as I don't have the tools to do anything fancier and I don't have the time to invest in a big project like that.

    So here you go, some of the highlights of my time in TPG from last month. 4, 5, 6, 7 kill streaks, 1 shots, kills through doors, boxes, smokes, etc. Hope you enjoy!

  4. CS:S - Clips, Rants, and More #5

    I'm beginning to believe that CS:S is just turning into one big beta test for the mechanics and features that they want in CS:GO. And to be perfectly honest, if this is the case, then I must say that I'm really not looking forward to GO all that much.

    Source was released in 2004. It took 6 years for Valve to release a huge game changing update. 6 years. And now, just 1 year after that, they release another game changing update? Let me say that again...It took 6 years for Valve to update Source, and just 1 more year for them to update again. The big question here is why?

    Why are they looking into the mechanics of a 7 year old game, when CS:GO is just around the corner?

    The only answer that makes sense ...
  5. CS:S - Clips, Rants, and More #4

    Despite popular opinion, I do in fact play T side.

    Server Connections-de_season0015-jpg
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    Server Connections-de_dust20000-jpg
    Server Connections-de_season0010-jpg

    I figured I would post these screenshots from recent games since I've heard a few people chirping about me always playing CT. I'd also invite you to take a look at my stats.

    I play CT 67% of the time, and I'll be the first to admit that this number is high. But if you look at the breakdown of my rounds, a total of 11836 have been won or loss...That means my winning percent is only around 54ish percent. Certainly not a great number for someone playing the "easy side," as so many of you call it. And my KDR is ...

    Updated 08-25-11 at 04:39 PM by Sundance

    Video Games , First Person Shooter
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