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Video Games

  1. Let's Play Amnesia: The Dark Descent

    After watching several reaction videos to the game, my girlfriend and I decided to start playing through Amnesia: The Dark Descent. We just started the other night, and I've been recording our game play footage. Come watch and play along with us!

    No commentary from us as we play though...Just straight game play footage for now. Recording our voices/reactions is something I'll have to work on and talk her into doing :P

    Here's the playlist for the videos as well:

    If you enjoy them (Or my other videos), subscribe or keep ...

    Updated 11-04-11 at 05:33 PM by Sundance

    Video Games
  2. CS:S - Clips, Rants, and More #4

    Despite popular opinion, I do in fact play T side.

    Server Connections-de_season0015-jpg
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    I figured I would post these screenshots from recent games since I've heard a few people chirping about me always playing CT. I'd also invite you to take a look at my stats.

    I play CT 67% of the time, and I'll be the first to admit that this number is high. But if you look at the breakdown of my rounds, a total of 11836 have been won or loss...That means my winning percent is only around 54ish percent. Certainly not a great number for someone playing the "easy side," as so many of you call it. And my KDR is ...

    Updated 08-25-11 at 04:39 PM by Sundance

    Video Games , First Person Shooter
  3. CS:S - Clips, Rants, and More #3

    I'M BACK! Sort of...Kind of...Maybe...

    You may remember, although I doubt it, that way back in January I posted a pretty personal blog...It was all about the situation with my health, how things were changing in my life, and how I wasn't going to be around as much.

    Well, as it turns out, some 5 months later and I'm back...At least somewhat. It's taken a while, but I'm finally in a position with my life where I feel comfortable with things. There were a lot of things in my life that I had to piece back together...And while I still have work left to do in that regard, I'm pretty happy with where I am and how far I've come.

    Better outlooks on life and my health situation. Renewed determination in regards ...
    Video Games , Life , Real Life
  4. CS:S - Clips, Rants, and More #2

    This will probably end up being the most personal thing I've ever written here...Hell, it'll probably be the most personal thing I'll ever write here.

    I know I've been saying that I'll do a Season run through for "Sundance, CS:S, and You" for a little while now. My hope was to have it up around Thanksgiving, but as you can see, that didn't happen. At this point in time, I don't know when it'll be up...Or if it'll ever go up at all. I don't even know if there will ever be a "Sundance, CS:S, and You #3".

    Things seem to be changing in my life, and I just don't have the ability to devote time or effort into an online community like this at the moment.

    For the last 7 years I've been dealing ...
    Video Games , Life , Real Life
  5. CS:S - Clips, Rants, and More #1

    This is a departure from my typical blog on here, hence the change of title. "Sundance, CS:S, and You" is all about things that might help you improve your game...This series is a lot more random in nature and is for pretty much everything else. Frag videos that I like, COTWs, rants, and whatever else.

    So with that being said, here comes the clips! Yay for shameless self promotion!

    And now for a rant.

    First of all, I'm not going to get into specifics and who said what and all that sort of stuff. ...

    Updated 11-12-10 at 10:27 PM by Sundance

    Video Games , First Person Shooter
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