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  1. Mask of Lies - Old band lyrics, deal with it

    Promises hung from your finger tips
    Dangled before our eyes
    We applauded our own damnation
    Praised the puppets show of lies

    And still they dance upon your stage of deception
    Still they twist and writhe
    Remove their heads but it will ruin the fiction
    We much prefer their masks of lies

    So bring forth your serpents
    Make them dance just like before
    No need for a sequel
    Feed us yesterday's lies, we'll still beg for more

    Will the curtain ever fall?
    Or will the show go on?
    Is this a tragedy that has no ending?
    Burn this fucking stage to the ground!

    You are nothing but a perfect deception
    A hollow man ...
  2. Reaver's Lament - More crap lyrics from my old band

    This moment of clarity
    Pulled the skin back from my eyes
    My bonds are broken
    But they will once again be retied

    Cities burn before me
    And only shadows that lurk behind these eyes
    Will ever serve to remind me
    I once loved those I now despise

    I tore the lips right from my face
    I'm so tired of pleading
    At least now I can pretend I'm smiling

    I spit the heart right from my chest
    I couldn't stop the bleeding
    Gouge out my eyes, I will cry no more

    This flesh is cold
    And I feel nothing
    Without what's within
    I am only suffering

    Life crumbles around me
    The earth recoils from each footfall ...
  3. House of the Fallen - More stuff from my old band

    There is a force that's rising
    From the ashes of a stillborn dream
    This world shall surely suffer
    Beneath the voice of this new regime

    The enslaved shall form the foundation
    The mortar will run thick with blood
    The stones will shatter backs and soul
    So leave the broken bodies face down in the mud

    Twisting, writhing, begging, smash their lives into the ground
    Make them futile for those that still carry on
    Feed us carrion, sustained by those that have died,
    Simply breathing or are we truly alive

    Can this be the height of out potential
    Feed our masters or we feed the crows
    This can't be the truth of our existence
    Waste ...
    Life , Real Life , Music
  4. Something I wrote a long time ago.

    Was poking around my old band's myspace page and found this. I think a bottle of Jack may have been involved, can't really remember.

    The deaths of friends,
    The lives of those who might soon join them,
    Those that have stood for what is right,
    Those that have been trampled for standing in the way of what is wrong.

    The will of the many,
    The unchallenged power of the few,
    Those who break their backs to make others' lives more substantial,
    And those who live in comfort while men starve like dogs on their doorstep.

    The sound of change,
    Resonating through halls of tyranny,
    And the stench of fear that permeates their fortress,
    While the ...