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Thread: Insulting

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    Quote Originally Posted by gosteelers826 View Post
    L4D2 is a great game, but i cant help but point out these flaws, they mainly apply in versus matches

    1. Chargers: their over all HP seems too low,its ridiculous that a Charger can be downed by 2 whacks of a melee weapon. 900-1200 HP seems more fair. it still can be taken down somewhat easily by an experienced survivor while not being cannon fodder. the Charger is a great infected. it just needs a better hitbox and a health boost

    2. Molotov and bile bomb friendly fire: the damage fire does to survivors is completely off in my opinion. although its mainly effective for infected, its still fire and should be severely dangerous for survivors as well. I just cant find the fact a survivor that has a few common infected around him could throw a molotov at his feet and scamper out while haivng more health than if he were fighting off the zombies. If fire did as much damage as spitter goo and set survivors aflame for a short time, it would help to balance out versus gameplay. as for bile bombs, it doesnt do ANYTHING to a survivor if thrown at their feet while other infected get covered. the worst thing that happens to a survivor is that 2 or 3 common infected target him while the other 15 go for biled infected or the bile cloud.

    3. Infected quitters: when a survivor quits a survivor team. they at least get replaced with the AI and they can go on. but the infected only have their respawn timers reduced. Don't get me wrong, its better than nothing; but if there is only 1 or 2 SI against any survivor team. the shorter times doesn't really help them out regarding the total damage. if it werent for the tank, an infected team with less than 3 people would mean an instant win. if there are less than 3 or 4 people on the infected side, the SI should get a damage boost that continues to increase when the total number of players on the infected side decreases.

    4. AI bots: i was very dissapointed to see that the AI survivors haven't changed at ALL from the last game in versus mode. its annoying enough for them to immediatly turn around when you pounce a teammate. but the fact that they still have the "magic headshots", shove you away in a fraction of a second if you claw them, and even teleport to a player if they are far away is enough to pull my hair out. once when i pulled a survivor in a hard to reach area, the AI teleported right next to me! . they should do away with all of these for versus mode except for their quick response for a trapped survivor. that just needs to be cooled down a bit

    5. burning tank speed: it makes sense for tanks to be slightly slower than survivors, but the difference between the speeds of a healthy tank and a burning tank is enfuriating, especially since a burning tank cant even catch up to a survivor with health below 15 or a turtle. the fire damage is annoying but balanced, in versus the tank should get a slight speed boost or its set speed not effected at all by fire.

    other than these problems. i dont see many flaws in L4D2 that i can actually complain about. does anyone else agree with my points?
    1. The Charger does not need more health. He already does 15-20 damage per it on a survivor. If it had 900-1200 health, people wouldnt even bother to save the survivor, cause they would be watching him die anyway.

    2. The reason bile bombs dont cover survivors is cause that would give Griefers in this game one more weapon in the war of ruining good games. They would join up, and throw bile bombs on you everytime you found one. If you want bile to cover a survivor, play as the boomer.

    3. Thats why we need to have a simple stats system on the xbox. I know the PC has one, but I would love to see the xbox get a simple ranking system, or a DNF by the persons name.

    4.You got unlucky with the teleporting AI. The AI doesnt get magical headshots if you hide well enough. Just dont try to pin your victim while there are two or three AI's around.

    5. This is why I hate to be the tank. Too much pressure, and if you dont kill all the survivors, you get votekicked. And it doesnt help when your teammates are dead, or not spawnning, or are watching you do all the work.

  2. Zombie Cat
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    at the AI bots: well if you were down two human players in a versus game, would you want the bots from campaign on your team? i didnt think so. And in scavenge, bots are a handicap because they cant pick up cans

  3. Been around a bit
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    Quote Originally Posted by chuckg0928 View Post
    at the AI bots: well if you were down two human players in a versus game, would you want the bots from campaign on your team? i didnt think so. And in scavenge, bots are a handicap because they cant pick up cans
    I'd be more than happy with this, because on VS i know the bots will save me faster and more effectively than many human teammates do. That and they can magically detect and kill any SIs that step into view. As long as you babysit them and slow down a little I'd not be too bothered, except maybe in rolling crescendos.

  4. Left 4 Dead
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    Quote Originally Posted by Benlisted View Post
    1) I definitely wouldn't use the word underpowered. They can instakill whole teams potentially, easily one person, do as much damage as a hunter while pounding, cause a huge stumble, have a beastly melee and can seperate the survivors. I agree that the charge is hellishly buggy, but as you play xbox as I do, I know that a lot of is down to lag, which sucks, but can't really be changed :\.

    I would like the hitbox for them to grab someone to be widened somewhat though, but nothing else. Much as the jockey's POV should be changed so you can actually judge where you're jumping. Their health does mean they can be easy to kill, but if one is meleeing you and you don't have a melee weapon they'll survive a long time. Also, only having part of a clip means you may well have to reload if trying to shoot one off someone, especially given his ability to stumble and send teams flying. He's brilliant as an attack starter, almost on a par with the boomer, in my opinion.

    2) It really does depend on your difficulty, over normal you take huge damage from fire. The fire effect does burn you for a few seconds after you get out though :\. Throwing a molotov at your feet is strange but a fair option if you ask me. Waste a molotov to save yourself some damage. You run the risk of being pounced in it in any case, or dragged through it by a smoker, if you do this. I don't see it as much of an issue.

    Bile bombs I must put down to balancing - the boomer's bile doesn't hit infected, your bile bombs doesn't hit the other survivors. There is the theory that CEDA reversed some pheromone in the bile that originally made infected immune to its effects, to make survivors unaffected, but that seems like a bit of a stretch. I wouldn't mind making it friendly fire at least by covering your screen if not the attract infected effect though. However even this could lead to epic griefing.

    3) True, the shortened timer at least makes it less boring, but you're not going to achieve much. I think damage boosts would be an awful idea, however. A Hunter would literally be able to incap a survivor from full health in a matter of seconds - it is 7.5 from a 25 dmg pounce now. If he stumbled all the survivors and say had his damage doubled, it would be in 2.5 seconds, so on his own he could do 75 damage purely within the time no other survivors could not react. Seems horribly overpowered. And how would the boomer get this benefit as he does no direct damage?

    4) This I agree entirely with. Psychic bots that know where you are as soon as they see you and can hit you with deadly accuracy with a shotgun from miles away makes a team of 3 survivors, one bot often better than one of full survivors, which should never be the case. Teleporting is just stupid full stop, and they should definitely have reactions toned down a little for VS, especially as they often ignore the SI choking you to death on campaign to observe a passing butterfly or something.

    5) The problem is that being shot also slows the tank, that's why he couldn't catch the red health survivor you mentioned. As the campaign tank gets a speed boost from being lit, I see no real reason for doing the opposite to the VS tank, especially if he is still slowed by bullets. So yeah, I agree there that the flaming tank should get a speed boost.
    yeah your right about damage multipiers in versus being too overpowered. so bad call on my part :P. but i just wish the infected would get at least something if they're down a few players to help even it out. the cut respawn time makes it better but to me theres something missing. *shrug* no idea though. as for chargers, the lack of health is justified with the damage. although the hitbox is still rather annoying to me lag or no lag

  5. Been around a bit
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    Quote Originally Posted by gosteelers826 View Post
    yeah your right about damage multipiers in versus being too overpowered. so bad call on my part :P. but i just wish the infected would get at least something if they're down a few players to help even it out. the cut respawn time makes it better but to me theres something missing. *shrug* no idea though. as for chargers, the lack of health is justified with the damage. although the hitbox is still rather annoying to me lag or no lag
    Aye, I'd love the charger's hitbox to be altered.

    And I know what you mean, it is completely pointless playing as a lone infected, or even as a two. You pretty much just have to have fun and stick it out til someone else joins (hopefully). I try and save my SI for achievements if i think there's somewhere i can get em, and if i'm hunter explore to find better pounce spots. Or just practice walljumping lol. I can't really think of a fix other than making AI SI to fill up a team.

  6. Left 4 Dead
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    Quote Originally Posted by Benlisted View Post
    Aye, I'd love the charger's hitbox to be altered.

    And I know what you mean, it is completely pointless playing as a lone infected, or even as a two. You pretty much just have to have fun and stick it out til someone else joins (hopefully). I try and save my SI for achievements if i think there's somewhere i can get em, and if i'm hunter explore to find better pounce spots. Or just practice walljumping lol. I can't really think of a fix other than making AI SI to fill up a team.
    yeah the SI team of 1 or 2 is missing something but its hard to boil it down too. in fact the only thing that the game might need is having a cooldown for melee weapons like shove but im not entirely sure

  7. Been around a bit
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    Quote Originally Posted by gosteelers826 View Post
    yeah the SI team of 1 or 2 is missing something but its hard to boil it down too. in fact the only thing that the game might need is having a cooldown for melee weapons like shove but im not entirely sure
    I'm really not too bothered about the unlimited melee - it gives people the illusion of being able to easily massacre any CIs that swarm them, when in fact while rushing or mobbed they will often take more damage than someone with a shotgun who knows that he has to push the infected back in order to not be slowed and take less damage. At least in my experience.

    Logically having a cooldown for both would make sense but it would nerf melee weapons too much, I think. And gameplay>realism.

  8. Left 4 Dead
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    Quote Originally Posted by TeenRacer6 View Post
    1. The Charger does not need more health. He already does 15-20 damage per it on a survivor. If it had 900-1200 health, people wouldnt even bother to save the survivor, cause they would be watching him die anyway.

    2. The reason bile bombs dont cover survivors is cause that would give Griefers in this game one more weapon in the war of ruining good games. They would join up, and throw bile bombs on you everytime you found one. If you want bile to cover a survivor, play as the boomer.

    3. Thats why we need to have a simple stats system on the xbox. I know the PC has one, but I would love to see the xbox get a simple ranking system, or a DNF by the persons name.

    4.You got unlucky with the teleporting AI. The AI doesnt get magical headshots if you hide well enough. Just dont try to pin your victim while there are two or three AI's around.

    5. This is why I hate to be the tank. Too much pressure, and if you dont kill all the survivors, you get votekicked. And it doesnt help when your teammates are dead, or not spawnning, or are watching you do all the work.
    points 1-3 i agree with

    4.i know they dont have that good aim. but you have to admit after watching their crosshairs while respawning that their aiming is way to accurate. once i recall when i was watching AI louis on no mercy finale the crosshairs constantly being on a hunters head as he is leaping on to the roof above them. the teleporting glitch happens a little more often that some may think

    5. yeah i can see that. which is why the tank should have a speed boost in versus mode when its on fire. it shouldnt be as drastic as the speed boosts in campaign but fire does a shitload of damage along with guns so the tank needs something to help counter act the damage

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