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Thread: OGL config.

  1. Registered TeamPlayer
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    OGL config.

    This is the DOD ogl config we are running on the DOD match server.

    Does this still jive with what OGL requires?

    rcon_password "------"
    hostname "Texas ...TeamPlayers... DOD:S MATCH IN PROGRESS"

    sv_password "alamo"

    log on
    fps_max 500

    // Online Gaming League
    // Day of Defeat Source Server Config File
    // Version 1.0 - Last Updated October 11, 2005
    // For Latest News For Your Ladder
    // Server Variables - DO NOT CHANGE

    mp_clan_readyrestart 1
    mp_clan_ready_signal "ready"
    mp_autocrosshair 0
    mp_autokick 0
    mp_chattime 10
    mp_flashlight 1
    mp_footsteps 1
    mp_fadetoblack 1
    mp_timelimit 20
    mp_winlimit 0
    mp_friendlyfire 1
    mp_deathmsg 1
    mp_forcecamera 1
    mp_forcerespawn 1
    mp_fraglimit 0
    mp_allowrandomclass 0
    mp_limitteams 7
    mp_ticketpointinterval 30

    sv_allowdownload 0
    sv_allowupload 0
    sv_cheats 0
    sv_maxspectators 6
    sv_maxrate 9999
    sv_minrate 2000
    sv_minupdaterate 20
    sv_proxies 1
    sv_autojointeam 0

    decalfrequency 30

    fakelag 0
    fakeloss 0
    pausable 0

    //voicecomm settings
    sv_alltalk 0
    sv_voiceenable 1

    // Physics settings - DO NOT CHANGE
    sv_accelerate 10
    sv_aim 0
    sv_pausable 0
    sv_secure 1
    sv_airaccelerate 10
    sv_airmove 1
    sv_friction 4
    sv_gravity 800
    sv_bounce 0
    sv_clienttrace 3.5
    sv_clipmode 0
    sv_stepsize 18
    sv_stopspeed 100
    sv_maxspeed 320
    sv_wateraccelerate 10
    sv_waterfriction 1
    sv_consistency 1

    edgefriction 2
    mp_falldamage 1
    mp_footsteps 1
    sv_unlag 1

    //Turn on\off Spectating Team
    mp_allowspectators 1

    // Class Limits - DO NOT CHANGE
    // Allies
    mp_limit_allies_assault 2
    mp_limit_allies_mg 1
    mp_limit_allies_rifleman 3
    mp_limit_allies_rocket 1
    mp_limit_allies_sniper 1
    mp_limit_allies_support 2

    mp_limit_axis_assault 2
    mp_limit_axis_mg 1
    mp_limit_axis_rifleman 3
    mp_limit_axis_rocket 1
    mp_limit_axis_sniper 1
    mp_limit_axis_support 2

    say "OGL DoD:source Config Executed!"

    // Enable/Disable LAN mode
    sv_lan 0

    // Contact & Geo
    sv_region 1

    exec mani_server.cfg
    exec banned_user.cfg

    // Damage-Menu
    smm_hitboxes 1 // Hitbox-detection on/off
    smm_log_rounds 0 // For Counterstrike enables logging on round base, otherwise on Map-Change
    smm_log_bots 0 // Enables Logging and Damage-Detection for BOTs
    smm_log_timeintervall 15 // Automatic logging after the given intervall in minutes 0=off( for DOD-S )

    smm_dmg_chat 0 // Damagedisplay in the chat(1) or as menu(0)
    smm_dmg_tkdelay 0 // Delays Damage-Display for TKed players
    smm_dmg_showhits 0 // Shows wher you hit, been hit
    smm_dmg_menutime 9 // Time of the Damage-Menu-Diplay
    smm_dmg_choosestats 0 // Displays a menu on the clientwhere you can choose the stats

    smm_show_dmg 0 // Damage-Display on/off
    smm_show_dmgsummary 0 // Shows the summary of the damge in the damage-display
    smm_show_roundstats 0 // Enables round-stats
    smm_show_killerhp 0 // Shows the remaining killer hp /armor
    smm_show_attackers 0 // Shows the Damge for Attackers
    smm_show_victims 0 // Shows the Damge for Victims
    smm_show_killerdist 0 // Shows the weapon and the distance of the killer

    // Ranking-System
    smm_statsme_cmd 1 // Enable / Disable the session-stats command
    smm_stats_rankbyname 0 // 0=Rank by Steam-Id, 1=Rank by name
    smm_stats_mode 1 // 0=Stats disabled, 1=Score after Map, 2=Score after every round
    smm_stats_rankbots 0 // Should Bots and Botkills be ranked
    smm_stats_killsforrank 1 // Minimum Kills required for ranking
    smm_stats_minplayers 4 // Min. Players needed to give bonus-points for actions
    smm_stats_txtfile 1 // Additionally generates a Textfile of the Stats
    smm_stats_connect_duration 14 // Count of Days since lastconnect of the player, before he will be removed from the ranks

    // DOD-Specific
    smm_dod_flagevents 3 //0=off, 1=dod_flag_captured, 2=axis_capture_flag, 3=both

  2. Registered TeamPlayer
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    RE: OGL config.

    Says the RCon password Sjt... isn't that something you'd want to edit out?
    EDIT: Shit, you're fast.

  3. Registered TeamPlayer
    Join Date
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    RE: OGL config.

    Everything is exact up to and including the line "say "OGL DoD:source Config Executed!""

    Everything afterwards is 'in addition to' the OGL server config file...

  4. Devious Tyrant
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    A jury of six military officers at Guantanamo Bay reached a split verdict Wednesday in the war crimes trial of a former driver for Osama bin Laden, clearing him of some charges but convicting him of others that could send him to prison for life.


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