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  1. Devious Tyrant
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    Chinese man eaten by zoo tiger

    that tiger looks retarded

  2. Devious Tyrant
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    Chinese man eaten by zoo tiger

    Quote Originally Posted by DarthParrot
    Then they're terrible designers, they forgot to take into account that the world is filled morons that will do stupid things if you let them. This man was suffering from some sort of mental disorder and didn't know any better though. Still, if their cage couldn't keep out a mentally ill 37 year old, who's to say that an idiot college fraternity drop out wouldn't just as easily jump in the pen on a dare and get eaten as well?
    But its' impossible to prevent someone determined enough from taking his own life or risking his life and limb without taking away the liberty which makes that life worth having in the first place. (Wow I sound so profound,lol)

    Quote Originally Posted by DarthParrot
    If this man could just walk right in there and throw himself in, then there's something terribly wrong with how the zoo is run. I swear, if zoo safety measures aren't more strictly enforced, there's a major lawsuit just waiting to happen.
    Maybe this would be the case in the USA with its infamous litigation culture where people sue a lot more often than Europe e.g the 'warning contents hot' lawsuit for a hot cup of McDonalds tea.

    Liebeck v. McDonald's Restaurants - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    This warning is on the side of every fast food establishments' cup since someone (I was gonna call a moron but its a 79 year old lady so Ill respect age,lol) didnt realise ordering a cup of hot tea means the contents are hot decided to sue McDonalds and won a couple of million dollars.
    But I doubt its the same in China where the culture is quite different.

  3. Devious Tyrant
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    Chinese man eaten by zoo tiger

    watch a Chinese man try to sue and get beaten by the police

  4. Devious Tyrant
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    Chinese man eaten by zoo tiger

    Quote Originally Posted by Flawless Cowboy
    watch a Chinese man try to sue and get beaten by the police
    Thats another way to kill oneself

  5. Devious Tyrant
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    Chinese man eaten by zoo tiger

    that'd be great if they arrested the tiger

  6. Devious Tyrant
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    Chinese man eaten by zoo tiger

    It would be even cooler if the Tiger was in the communist party and just got his buddies to drop the charges

  7. Devious Tyrant
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    Chinese man eaten by zoo tiger

    that would be a riot
    Charges against Tiger droped, communist party pardens him

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