As some of you may have noticed, I've been absent from the DayZ TS for a while now. It's because I find DayZ to be a lot more fun when playing solo or with a small group(2-3 people). Since I have no one else to talk about my experiences with, I decided to start documenting them by taking screenshots every time something notable happened. Here is my story from tonight. (Sorry about my writing. There's a reason I almost flunked English.)

Day 0

Last night my friend from the army came to my house and told me that there was a quarantine or something and that he was going to get us the hell out of there. I packed up some essentials (food, water, some first aid supplies, a radio, and my trusty Makarov) and left. He drove me to his house just outside of Berizino. From there we walked to a military camp that was being set up and "borrowed" one of there helicopters. My friend told me we were gonna leave Chernarus for good, that there was nothing left for us there. I still had no idea what was going on, but I was too hyped on adrenalin to piece together any questions to ask him.

I was just about to fall asleep, thanks to the soothing roar of the helicopters engines, when all hell broke loose. Apparently the military was not to happy to see one of there helicopters go missing. The helicopters missile detection system was blaring and I could see a missile flying straight at us from the mainland. Next thing I know I'm falling through the sky, with a burning wreckage of a helicopter not but 40 feet above me.
I must have blacked out after hitting the water. I had no idea how long it's been, but at least I was in familiar territory. Prigorodki, the town I washed up on, is just east of the town I used to work in, Chernogorsk. I decided it would be best if i headed there, and see for myself what the hell is going on. That was mistake number one.

On my walk to Chrenogorsk there were no signs of life anywhere. This was very strange. The most traveled on road in all of Chernarus and the only vehicle I'd seen was a very beat up military transport truck on the side of the road. I still to this day don't understand why, but I decided at that moment that some shit had gone down and this was probably the apocalypse.

Upon entering Chernogorsk, I decided that I would hit the hospital up and see if I could scavenge any spare medical supplies.
When I got there the doors where locked and the area around it surrounded by razor wire. Just on the other side of the street there was another military camp like the one I had stolen the helicopter from last night. Unlike that one though, this one had a medical center set up. I decided if there was anyone left alive, that's probably where they where.
Not a single soul to be seen. I did find a lot of very useful medical supplies though. Since I didn't know where the Police department was here I decided the next building I should hit up was the local fire station.

On the way there, I encountered my first Zed. I was trying to slip by the one I noticed without being seen. Little did I know though, he had friends. As I rounded the corner from the first Zed I was immediately greeted by one of the most grotesque things I'd ever seen. The zombie took a swipe at me, grazing my shoulder as I started sprinting away to the fire department. The noise of me sprinting attracted more, and in a matter of seconds I was being chased by an entire horde!
I made it into the fire department where I found an AK just lying on the floor. I have no idea why, but the Zeds chasing me all decided to walk as the entered the fire department so it was easy to line up a couple headshots on them. After finding an AK on the ground, I decided it might be worthwhile to look through the rest of this building. I'm very glad I did.

After my encounter with the zombies, I decided it might be best to get the hell out of dodge. I had one more stop I wanted to hit up first though. While walking to the local super market to stock up on food, I noticed something very odd. It's not every day you see a building blown to smithereens in Chernarus.

While looting the store I realized I had been completely neglecting my radio. I took a minute to turn it on and see if I could find a frequency that other survivors were using. After a few minutes I found one. They were talking about a harrier near by!

While I was originally thrilled to hear that, I had a change of heart in a mater of seconds when the field next to me erupted in missile fire. imgur: the simple image sharer

According to the radio chatter, it seems like the prick in the Harrier was attacking everyone in nearby towns. It had been on night (to my knowledge) and people were already fighting each other for supplies!

I took cover in the store, hoping that the dick wouldn't shoot if he didn't see me, when I heard him pass over again followed by yet another explosion. This one was different though. I tried to listen to the radio past the ringing in my ears,, apparently the prick lost control and crashed! Serves him right.
It was at that point I realized how unbelievably tired I was and decided to find somewhere to rest for the night.