Dayz standard formation and tactic, Or how not to be a fuck up

Just as a throat clearing I want to stress some basic points. The ARMA game engine was designed to be a military simulator, not a true FPS, this does equate into dayz. This is a good thing if you know military tactics and is a handicap if you do not. My purpose is to give you a short crash course in some of the military tactic that lends well to the engine.

1) Cover vs. Concealment. Cover is defined as an object, natural or man made that will limit exposure to hostile fire, a brick wall is cover, a depression in the ground would also be cover. Concealment is defined as a man made or natural object that will limit vision, a bush is concealment a picket fence would also be concealment. Anytime you are sitting still for longer then a second you want either cover or concealment protecting some of the possible angles that you can take fire. This map is not so large that a high level of paranoia is unwarranted at all times. If you are sitting still and not doing so you are not only putting your self at risk but may compromise the location of the team. In short hug a bush save a team, situational awareness at all times.
2) There are only two categories of combat, there is one when you have time to think and one when you do not. If you do not see someone pointing a weapon at you, but find your self in a situation where that will soon be likely think first. For the other category you need to have preplanned responses, if you are being shot at from range move to cover if you take fire from close range go prone and attempt to return fire. These are not cut and dry scenarios but an instant reaction is better then no reaction, and if everyone reacts in a preplanned fashion then group survivability goes up.

Skirmisher line

A skirmisher line is an ancient form of military formation, it has many strengths and few weaknesses. My pro diagram,


X --------------> Direction of travel.


Since each member of the line is separated it in effect increases the amount of terrain that is viewable by various team members. As long as each member of the line can see the member to his or her right and left then the formation is 'tight' enough for practical use. Terrain often dictates how much space is in between each team member. All movement and halt orders need to be headed by each team member so that the formation stays cohesive during stops and starts. This formation is primarily a scouting formation, but seems to work well within dayz since seeing an enemy before they see you is a huge advantage. Make sure you apply general point number 2 while in this formation, in other words if while in a skirmisher line you see an opponent directly ahead of you looking in your direction shoot and communicate to the team. If you are not in direct danger but see something call a halt and communicate what you see, give a precise direction and description so that everyone in the line is aware. During halts while in this formation get low and behind the closest point of cover of concealment, if something is called out get a direction at the least if not eyes on.

I will add more later.