Well BattleEye may have banned 10,000+ accounts for hacking, but it seems that there is no stopping these assholes from ruining other player's legit fun. Turns out that as soon BattleEye released their new script detection program, hackers were hard at work creating new scripts to get around it. Well gents, I'm sad to say, they found it and as soon as those new scripts went live, it was like chum in the water. I tried to go to 3 different moderately populated servers to snipe and each time the entire server got teleported to the edge of the map. I found this forum a few minutes ago and it's an interesting read. It shows that BattleEye is, in fact, trying to solve the rampant hacking in DayZ. It's just these piece of shit troglodytes have nothing better to do than try and ruin a great game for the masses. What really pissed me off the most when i read this, is that they are so at ease with dropping another $15........all just to hack again! It was certainly fun while it lasted, but it seems that we are right back to square one with these jackasses. I love this game, but at this point, I don't know whether I should just cut my losses and wait for the stand alone, or take boring camping trips on low pop servers everyday. Anyway, post is linked below.

[Battleye's activity] Updated daily with the effects of active banwaves - Troubleshooting - Day Z Forums