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Thread: SsT knows no fear!

  1. Registered TeamPlayer salty99's Avatar
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    SsT knows no fear! SsT knows no fear! SsT knows no fear! SsT knows no fear! SsT knows no fear!
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    Gamertag: salty99 PSN ID: mynameisfatmike salty99's Originid: mynameisfatmike

    Re: SsT knows no fear!

    Quote Originally Posted by judedeath View Post
    Ok, so just reading this, any reason why this is in the Tactics forum? I mean I didn't see any crazy secrets in it. I would thing this would be the perfect thing for public display.

    Well, I posted here because the information I'm going to disclose in part 2 of the story we thought would be best for TPG eyes only...but seeing as that information would no longer apply since it has been a few days, I would be ok with a mod moving it to public.

    ...part 2 coming tonight

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    Re: SsT knows no fear!

    Quote Originally Posted by salty99 View Post
    Well, I posted here because the information I'm going to disclose in part 2 of the story we thought would be best for TPG eyes only...but seeing as that information would no longer apply since it has been a few days, I would be ok with a mod moving it to public.

    ...part 2 coming tonight
    And it's moved.
    Quote Originally Posted by maximusboomus View Post
    Battlefield bad company and battlefield 3 didn't have voip. We bitch. Day z has voip we bitch...

  3. Registered TeamPlayer salty99's Avatar
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    Gamertag: salty99 PSN ID: mynameisfatmike salty99's Originid: mynameisfatmike

    Re: SsT knows no fear!

    The sour humidity of the coastal region caused me to wake abruptly. It must have just all been a dream. I looked in my backpack only to find a flashlight and a bandage. Weaponless and alone, I began to search around to find my bearing. West Kamenka, I was far the sprawling reaches of Cherno, or any populated area for that matter. I began my trek eastward, praying that I would come across something that would keep me alive long enough to see a familiar face.

    Trees and coastline were all to be seen for miles in each direction, the waves rushing the shore was all the motion that the world seemed to offer, even the birds were nowhere to be found; desolation.

    Just when my mind was about to slip away with the rest of the life once found in this place...a figure off in the distance could be seen. Crouched and cautious I made my way towards him. Creeping through the brush closing in on a double bridge spanning the gap of a ravine on top of with a road and a railroad lie, it was clear to see that this individual was unarmed and alone as well. A mutual understanding of survival lead to a truce and a partnership. We would increase our odds of survival if we work together and scavenge for supplies. The man's name was Talkos, a cheeky fellow with a story or two under his belt.

    We ventured onward, Eastward along the coast in hopes of finding civilization. Sharp edges peeked over the horizon, rooftops and rails, buildings and barns; there was what looked to be a small village town by the name of Komarovo. A paved highway branched from the town and headed inland...a dangerous path to destruction for the ill-prepared. We agreed that luck favored those with guns and a bandage to ease the guilty conscience; we would hug the coastal region for supplies.

    Coming up on the edge of town, movement could be spotted in the midst of the buildings, vile beasts chasing around what looked to be another survivor. Poor bastard, never stood a chance. We left him to fend for himself and went around the town; moving closer to populated areas, the treeline would be the safer bet. Our adventure would continue in the forest.

    Still no food or water, we needed to quicken the pace before the unthinkable became an unwelcome guest...A peculiar sight came into focus as the trees opened up into a large inland airfield. Hangers, air traffic control tour, and enough rotting corpses to write a short story about. A calm stillness resided over the airfield; it was quiet...too quiet. We inched our way toward the outer fences on the western edge of the base, when a sickening growl and staggered footsteps became apparant. A burning slice tore through my back as a zombie lunged out of the brush and took a chunk out of my back. I dropped to the ground bleeding profusely.

    It was at this point I learned that Talkos was a severe diabetic, he would occasionally experience vision impairment, large pink and black polygons would flood his eyesight preventing him from effectively navigating Chernarus. Several more zombies heard the commotion and began advancing on our position. I had patched up my wound but with no weapon and more assailants advancing, I knew something had to be done soon or we'd both be dead.

    I leapt over the fence and booked it straight for the control was our only hope; I prayed there was a weapon inside. As I closed in on the building, movement on the top floor of the tower caught my eye through the was a person...and then another came into view. At least two armed individuals were staring at me through the window. I had no clue if they would be friendlies...but I didn't have a choice. Zombies on my tail and armed men inside I stuck to my heading and ran in the back door. Knowing the control room was on the top floor and that weapons and ammo would likely be up there, I booked it to the top of the stairs and dreaded what I would find but I had no choice, a gun was all that would save me now.

    peeking over the top step, my blood went cold as I saw the rooms occupants...zombies everywhere! And now with a new target and the survivors I saw vanished or eaten, I hurried back down to the bottom of the stairs. As I reached the bottom floor, there were zombies beginning to stumble into the doorway. The only exit to the building cut-off and zombies barreling down the stairwell, I was utterly trapped in the building and my doom was eminent. Talkos would be all alone outside, sightless and vulnerable; this would be both of our deaths...I inched backwards underneath the stairwell hoping and praying that I would just vanish into thin air and that the dozens of zombies wouldn't see me. My back pressed against the wall, bracing for the claws of the undead, my hand felt something leaning up against the wall under the stairs...

    My heart couldn't be; almost as if the divine had answered my call, an AK-m lie there in a stack of ammo waiting to be found. Backed in the corner I began to deliver bullet after bullet into the enemy. Corpses began to pile at my feed, and still they poured into the doorway. After minutes of cutting them down in front of me, I loaded my last clip and just a few more stood ahead. Dispatching them quickly and swiftly, I was able to walk back out of the front door unscathed, a walking miracle with rifle in hand; it was almost too good to be true.

    During the skirmish, Talkos had snuck around the chaos and slipped into the hangars and had found himself an AK-m as well. Almost without hitch we again began to trek eastward towards civilization and hopes of seeing a friendly face that we wouldn't have to put a bullet in. The treeline began to rise in elevation and the coastal hills towered over the shore. A lighthouse came into view off in the distance; the Bay of Mutanaya opened up and the cove below seemed like a natural meeting point for the few survivors who may or may not pass through on their journey along the coast. Each armed with enough to make a clear point to anyone who we crossed paths with, we decided to lie in wait.

    Our numbers increased as we waited, our small band of survivors amounted to four. A young African American boy came upon us in the trees; not much for talkin' but that boy sure did love his watermelon. He went by the name THATriggerHappy. An Asian fellow also joined our crew, went by the name of Howitzer. When it appeared that we were all that there would be, our troop set out once more for Cherno with the lasting hope of finding that wouldn't be far off.

    The trees began to thicken, their clusters of foliage rose tall and proud; their secrets and mystic wonder I'm sure had many stories to tell, and a few more that were already being written...

    __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ ___

    "What was that?!" Trigger threw out, taking a knee and halting for a listen to our surroundings.

    "What is it? What do your African-American eyes see?" Said Talkos quite racistly. (this is possibly an embellishment but I admit to nothing )

    "That moved. I swear I saw it move..." Trigger's mind was captivated. It was as though he was staring into a labyrinth of mystery...what had he seen?

    "Doesn't look like anything to me," Howi stated, dismissing the claim, we had been through a lot and peoples' minds can get the best of them, especially in the thick of the woods. He continued to move on, walking past the trees in question.

    I began to follow in his footsteps, I felt like I was going crazy; the blood of zombies that covered my hands was starting to get to me; paranoia wouldn't get me anywhere in this world.

    "I dunno, I thought I saw something too," Talkos said, all the while Trig still staring intently at the tree about 20 feet in front of him.

    A single rifle round was fired. We all spun around quickly to see Trigger's smoking barrel...


    A death barrage from all four rifles tore into the base of the tree tossing bark and pine branches in chaotic bits to and fro. When the smoke cleared, a dark figure dropped to his knees and collapsed to the earth.

    "He's wearing a guilley suit," Trigger said. "Let's check out 'is s***."

    My hands were shaking...we were literally seconds from death. A survivor that had nearly been within reach of all four of us and I was so quick to dismiss it as shadow. We were lucky, and Trigger's African-American eyes appeared to be more valuable than the weapons we carried.

    "An AS-50!" Exclaimed trigger, "and a silenced M9!"

    "And night vision! a GPS, rangefinder, ammunition, Alice Backpack," and a few other goodies that had found themselves a new home. We had hit the jackpot and were now geared for war. After the loot had been distributed, I held in my hands the dark beauty that was the AS-50. A sniper rifle with Range-finder sights. I looked through the lens and to my peculiar surprise, there were five large spheres out by the water highlighted with ranges.

    "What the...looks like there's something on the waterline. Can you see it?" I said with great confusion and interest.

    "OH MY GOD!" exclaimed Trigger, "This can't be"

    "What? WHAT?!" we responded.

    "I see a boat, like a big boat out on the water! and...and it looks like a smaller one on the beach. No, two on the beach! and what is that? it looks like a car. IT'S A JEEP! and look, another one next to it!"

    It was almost like a parking lot tucked away in the cove of Mutnaya Bay.

    ...the final chapter to come....

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    Re: SsT knows no fear!

    Great story.... keep it going!

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