Some of you may know that like 2 days ago i was randomly banned when logging in immediately after logging out due to artificing. I was unbanned upon sending in an email, and then played for a little while. The next morning i logged in and logged out and in again due to artificing, and i was banned yet again. I sent in another email, and was unbanned. Durings the time i was banned i noticed a large amount of bans being complained about on the forums, and until this point, i believed people who said they were banned for no reason were 100% lying. I know a lot of people do lie, but i hope this shines a light on the banning situation that will hopefully allow a lot of people not to make a biased opinion over people banned while playing dayz. The only down side to them lifting up their bans they have handed out over the past two days, is that they made a statement saying ALL bans over the past 2 days triggered by the condition have been lifted.