The guy is talking about asking for some changes but what I found interesting was the current implementation. I had no idea about option B:

Currently an engineer can by default:

  1. Drop an ammo pack as a utility slot item if they have one equipped.
  2. Choose their turret, press B to change it into an ammo pack, then deploy it on the ground. (this behaves differently). This allows an explosive carrying engineer to still resupply friendlies and get xp for it.

Method 1 drops an item. Similar to placing a mine, you can throw it anywhere in front of you (a major fix at the end of beta, compared to what we previously had). This ammo pack is time and range limited, and is affected by certing into the ammo pack. At this point most engineers don't use this method because they carry explosives, and have no reason to cert into the ammo pack.
Method 2 causes you to "deploy" an ammo pack. That is it is like in beta where you need to find an open flat surface to place the pack. If someone walks in front of you while you are placing it, or during the animation to place it, it will cancel and not be placed. You then need to wait a few seconds to be able to try again as your turret timer is now reset. This ammo pack is special, it does not gain benefit from the ammo pack certs, it stays around for a very long time and has a fair radius for dispersal.
You can using this, place two ammo packs if you carry the default one instead of a mine for maximum support.
Basically you can have 2 ammo packs out at once. One is harder to deploy but lasts much longer
