CRASH!! A truck had just ran into my car with the full force the driver of the vehicle could muster from the old girl just south of the refueling station at Zelenogorsk. Me and supercarl stunned that we were still alive hestitate for the slightest second and then I yell GET OUT! Unfortunately for driver of the truck his truck was more than worse for ware and she finally gave her last breath and ejected its lone occupant and fortunate for me I was there to end his suffering.

I felt relief and then terror again because if the truck had exploded the car in which I was standing next to must be ready to blow to and I knew that would be very bad if it did with me so close. I ran as fast as i could as far away as I could but when I noticed that there was no explosion I couldn't believe it. I hopped in with supercarl watching my back just in case someone came along. I yell THE CAR IS UNDAMAGED! We quickly exit the area however we do not forget to loot the other guys body and find out who he was "his name was ermergerd zermbergs"(aka Ray Tard).

It's night time now and all is calm. Ray is looting what remained of his body and suddenly shots and he is dead again. Supercarl long gone and me in the same channel as Ray now I know whoever it must have been I am close enough to act. I am logged however at Pustoshka and restart is near. After restart I log on and immediately book it to Zelenogorsk knowing I could still head them off. I reach Sosnovka and I spot a truck I deduce it must have belonged to one of the guys who had killed Ray. Upon inspection I see it needs gas so knowing my car was not far. I booked it there but only to find it had been stolen. Disappointed I book it back to Sosnovka to camp the truck and maybe I would get lucky

10 minutes fly by. Suddenly I hear a car though I cant see it. Frantically I pan to my left and there I see headlights and then the car itself! I immediately recognize it as the very car I just had stolen from me and I waste no time in opening fire with my SVD camo. 3 shots and I take out a tire. 3 people exit the car and start to run! 2 shots! One down! 2 more shots. Another one down! 3 more shots! And another one down! In the end 3 people lay dead at my feet their names? Cpt Obvious, General Patton and Angrysmurf. With my ambush a success I take a jerry from the car, take the truck, and head off into the night with enough gear to fill a tent.